Blood Sings To Blood, Words Will Find A Way
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April 2013
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#29 - Siblings

I am not an only child. Many here may recall that I have spoken about my older brother, Antonio, in the past. But he is not my only sibling; he is my only surviving sibling, even though he is momentarily a citizen of the Shadowlands.

We did have an older brother, Ilario, though I cannot recall any detail of him. )

Muse: Isabel Giovanni
Fandom: WoD:VtM
Words: 476

On the eve of a funeral (or two)

"Could I ever kill somebody? Ew, no," the girl laughed. Isabel raised a brow curiously as she looked at the table where the co-eds were sitting and enjoying their night off from study.

Muse: Isabel Giovanni
Fandom: WoD:VtM
Words: 550

Prompt 2.3 - Acceptable Losses

There was blood nearby when she woke. Isabel could smell it, and not just the dried vitae on her hands from her earlier feeding, although it was too dark in her tomb to see it.

Muse: Isabel Giovanni
Fandom: WoD:VtM
Words: 638

Prompt 3.5 - Wild-eyed dream

Fire gave way to the ivory of bleached bone as Unre's face loomed out of the shadows. Although, face was not the best or most accurate word to use and Isabel stood dumbfounded as the massive bull's head hove into view. She wore the tattered skins of her victims, whose bones presumably comprised the litter on the floor of the tomb, and a crown of their absurdly tiny seeming skulls atop of the grotesque masque. "Flee this place."

Muse: Isabel Giovanni
Fandom: WoD:VtM
Words: 899

Prompt One

"I am what I am and who I am is..."

Muse: Isabel Giovanni
Fandom: WoD:VtM
Words: 145

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