corbie ([info]altsunthinkable) wrote in [info]bj_action on January 11th, 2008 at 07:00 am
I haven't read all of the Superstar/Visible-verse though I've read some of it. This reminded me I need to read the rest someday.

God Vamp. This was so hot. And fun. And funny.

Brian laughed. “It looks worse than it is. It’s from You Bet Your Ass."

Justin put it down carefully, holding it with only two fingers as though excessive contact alone would send it flying from his hands directly onto his cock.


I love the closet non-negotiation. I love Brian parting with clothes with virtually no complaint to make Justin happy. I love his amusement and his protectiveness and the way he helps because he really knows all along that Justin is going to do it. I love Justin being gone in the best way possible and Brian just watching and taking care of him and loving it. I love that they get pizza.

He strokes my hip. “It’s okay Justin, no more. I won’t hurt you. You’re unbelievable.” He whispers it to me and the fact that I can’t take all four is no longer a disappointment. He shifts my hips and I can feel how very full I am.

*sighs* *dies* *loves*
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