vlredreign ([info]vl_redreign) wrote in [info]bj_action on January 9th, 2008 at 02:04 am
Part 2
The feeling as my body clamps down is heady, and then there’s nothing but that feeling. It’s pressing against me, everywhere, so deep inside me, nothing has ever been inside me so deeply, it’s touching every part of me. It has wrapped itself around me and in me, and when he pulls it back, just a bit, my body and heart both become molten lava, oozing and flowing, a never ending stream of hot magma spreading over everything. I am weightless and hovering over myself watching my body become nothing more than dying charred embers. Hoping Brian can remember where everything goes when he has to put me back together.

The feeling subsides and he pushes again. The hot wet molten lava of my orgasm is mixed with the salt of my tears and the sweet taste of my tangible love for Brian. I can taste it, see it, smell it, and of course, feel it, with every single cell of my body. He’s inside me; part of me, and nothing will ever be able to cleanse my system of him. I would never even try.

Love it when Justin flies.

When I look at the clock again it’s almost seven pm, and we’ve slept all day. I roll over, resting my head on Brian’s shoulder. He kisses the top of my head. “Chinese, pizza or Thai?”

I shrug, “Your call.”

He nods. “Thai.”

I make a face.

We order pizza.

Brian is SO whipped.

And this from Brian's POV, just wonderful:

He gasps and comes, his body sweating and shaking. My name has apparently been changed to “again.” I do it a few more times, enjoying the way his body is no longer under any control but my own. Enjoying the way he lets me have that. I thank him for it by moving it forward and back twice more in quick succession while he lets out a sound that I barely recognize.

He’s mumbling a string of thank yous, and when his body has almost adjusted, but is still working on acclimating to the enormous stretch and total fullness, he starts moving. I wait. He’s not ready and knowing when he is, well, that’s my job. I take my job seriously.

Perfect. I love it.

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