
User: [info]madgina
Date: 08-10-2009 @ 00:06
Subject: Farm to base; Gabe, Madge, Gideon, Slate, Alice; backdated to last week
Security: Public
Tags:alice, gabe, gideon, madge, slate

Gabe had been working in the wheat field when he'd heard some of the other workers nearby talking. Normally, Gabe just zoned out and ignored them. He never tried to talk to anyone. He kept to himself to avoid confrontation. It was the subject of their conversation that set him off. They were talking about a new report about water contamination in Madison. He knew specific code words in their conversation and his eyes widened.

Panic! )

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User: [info]madgina
Date: 07-08-2009 @ 23:20
Subject: The farm; Wednesday just after sundown; Madge and Gabe
Security: Public
Tags:gabe, madge

Earlier in the evening Midian had dropped off a box. It was from Sadie and contained various things Gabriel had left behind in her apartment. Sadie wanted to give them back, understandably did not want to bring the box by herself. Madge thanked Midian and assured him the box would get to him right away.

She waited until after sundown though, so she would be sure Gabriel was back in his apartment. She carried it over to the tractor garage, looking at the few items at the top, some clothes and a picture in a frame. She didn't look through any of the other items, not wanting to invade Sadie's privacy. She doubted Sadie would have included anything that could be potentially dangerous. Gideon would likely disapprove of Madge's trust, but he wasn't in charge on the farm, so that wasn't important.

Once she reached the top of the stairs outside the apartment, she readjusted her grip on the box to hold it against her side and knocked on the door.

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User: [info]madgina
Date: 05-20-2009 @ 22:42
Subject: Boxer farm; Wednesday afternoon; Madge and Gabe
Security: Public
Tags:gabe, madge

The soldiers trailing Gabriel Roberts' every move were a pain in the ass. Madge couldn't get too upset, they were trying to protect her, after all, but she didn't think she had anything to be protected from. Gabriel was extremely docile, and Madge was sure it wasn't an act. She'd gotten that impression when she spoke to him on the base and she still had it now that he was released and about to live on her farm.

Once General Grant decided to let Gabriel go within the city walls, Madge was the only one to offer to put him up. It wasn't a huge shock to anyone involved. Madge was just that kind of person. She thought working on a farm was much better for a wayward soul than wasting away in a jail cell. Or trying to scrape a living doing odd jobs in a town full of people who hated your guts. So she offered Gabriel a place to live and a job, and he'd accepted.

He'd arrived on the farm Wednesday with a military escort, and after showing Gabriel around the main farm house, she brought him out to the tractor garage. There was a shabby little one-bedroom apartment up there, all ready for a new tenant. She convinced the soldiers to stay outside and then brought Gabriel up.

"So, this is your place," Madge said with a smile, spinning around slowly in the apartment as she looked around. "Bathroom's in there," she pointed, "and right there is a closet to put your things."

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User: [info]madgina
Date: 09-03-2008 @ 21:59
Subject: Shepherd General Store; Friday morning; Madge and OTA
Security: Public

Guess what? That cow was still missing. Madge seriously doubted it still existed, but she'd run into a woman on her way into town who claimed she had heard it in the cemetery the other night. Madge was still skeptical.

And now she was also strolling through the general store, looking for some odds and ends.

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User: [info]madgina
Date: 08-19-2008 @ 20:47
Subject: Diner; Thursday evening; Madge and OTA
Security: Public

There was a cow missing. Well, maybe. There were a lot of dead cows (among other animals) and many were still unaccounted for, but apparently this particular cow had survived the store and was wondering around town. How did Madge know this? People had reported hearing strange, random mooing.

Madge was a little skeptical of these stories, but she'd come into the main part of town to ask around about it anyway. Also to get some dinner. As she waited for her plate to arrive at her spot at the counter, she took a look around the place to see if there were any friendly faces around to speak to.

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User: [info]madgina
Date: 07-09-2008 @ 23:37
Subject: Friday night; Double Z; Madge, Ketty, or Sadie, OTA for any of 'em!
Security: Public
Tags:ketty, madge, sadie

It was a Friday night, so the bar was bustling!

Sadie was rushing around behind the counter, serving drinks.

Ketty was at a table with a pitcher and some friends from the base.

And Madge was down one end of the bar, nursing a light drink and idly chatting with the other bartender, Dave. She didn't come out to the bar that often, but after a particularly grueling week on the farm, she decided she deserved to unwind a bit.

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