
User: [info]sadieshep
Date: 07-17-2008 @ 22:27
Subject: The Double Z; Saturday night; Sadie and OTA
Security: Public

It was a bar! It was a Saturday! It was busy! Both bartenders were working pretty hardcore trying to make sure everyone was taken care of. Sadie was so ready for a break. Not only was the bar packed, but it was hot as hell thanks to all the bodies, the wonky air-conditioning unit, and the fact that it was, y'know, July.

After handing Ahab Burns his pitcher, Sadie slowed down for a second to take a breath and wipe off her forehead with the back of her hand. She pushed her bangs out of the way and then turned to see her next customer.

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User: [info]madgina
Date: 07-09-2008 @ 23:37
Subject: Friday night; Double Z; Madge, Ketty, or Sadie, OTA for any of 'em!
Security: Public
Tags:ketty, madge, sadie

It was a Friday night, so the bar was bustling!

Sadie was rushing around behind the counter, serving drinks.

Ketty was at a table with a pitcher and some friends from the base.

And Madge was down one end of the bar, nursing a light drink and idly chatting with the other bartender, Dave. She didn't come out to the bar that often, but after a particularly grueling week on the farm, she decided she deserved to unwind a bit.

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User: [info]sadieshep
Date: 06-29-2008 @ 22:16
Subject: Tuesday night; The Double Z; Sadie and OTA
Security: Public

Sadie really was getting the hang of the one-handed drink prep thing. She'd cut her time by at least half over the past few days. It was good to know that if she ever lost an arm in a freak crate-carrying accident that she'd still be able to make a living slinging drinks.

The bar was pretty normal on this weekday night. There was an all right band playing, and a medium-sized crowd either watching or talking amongst themselves. Just another Tuesday in Sinai, except for the fact that Sadie felt like she was still recovering from the drinking fest she'd had with Ketty and Slate the previous evening. Not a good feeling, no sir.

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User: [info]kettyshep
Date: 06-28-2008 @ 23:18
Subject: Monday; Double Z; Slate, Ketty, and Sadie
Security: Public
Tags:ketty, sadie, slate

At Rainey's and Matos' military funerals, Slate had reminded the Shepherd sisters about the semi-agreement they'd made on their bloody trek home outside the city walls. They'd eat dinner, drink, and then give into drunken passions. After the funerals were over, Sadie and Ketty were down for the first two out of the three of those things.

Slate, Ketty, and Sadie get pretty drunk. )

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User: [info]sadieshep
Date: 06-26-2008 @ 23:15
Subject: Sadie's show at the Jujube; Saturday night; OTA for whatever!
Security: Public
Tags:gabe, sadie, slate

Sadie really didn't like that she couldn't play her guitar Saturday night, especially since this was the first performance that Eli would be attending. There was nothing she could do about it though, so she got her buddy Frank to play backup for her instead.

The bar was packed more than usual for this show, no doubt because of the deadly rumor combo of supply run attack injuries and supposed Colonel-bartender-transplant love triangles. To add fuel to this fire, Sadie did make sure there was an empty table right in front of the stage with a sign saying RESERVED in large, easy to read print. This table was for tardy (according to plan, of course) Slate, but there was another one nearby that was saved for punctual Eli.

The show got underway not terribly long after its scheduled time, and after an intro talking about how the cast screwed up her ability to play, Sadie got into the singing. Sadie's music was of the traditional country variety; she did a lot of torchy ballads, as well as more upbeat stuff. The upbeat stuff was more fun to play with her guitar, though. Tonight she made sure to sing her best material -- she had a firefighter to impress, after all.

Once she had gotten through about three songs, Slate was still M.I.A. Sadie could tell the gossipy natives were getting restless. It was pretty fantastic.

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User: [info]sadieshep
Date: 06-25-2008 @ 23:21
Subject: Gabe's apt; Friday afternoon; Sadie and Gabe
Security: Public
Tags:gabe, sadie

After parting ways with Slate, Sadie headed straight for Eli's apartment building. She wasn't sure if he was going to catch him or not, but since she was already out and walking around, she figured stopping by was worth a shot.

When she made it to his apartment, she knocked on the door and bounced on her feet a little impatiently as she waited.

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User: [info]slatebuckner
Date: 06-25-2008 @ 21:23
Subject: Friday June 25, 2162. Slate & Sadie @ Jujube then Diner.
Security: Public
Tags:sadie, slate

The Tale of the Return of The Twang )

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User: [info]sadieshep
Date: 06-23-2008 @ 22:15
Subject: Wednesday night; Supply run return; Slate, Ketty, Sadie, and Gabe
Security: Public
Tags:gabe, ketty, sadie, slate

Once Slate was inside, his brother Josiah was already waiting with a group of nurses, some military, some civilian, and a gurney. Slate was reluctant to, but he put down on the gurney. He put one hand on the rail of the bed and then looked around for Sadie. When he spotted her in his wild wide-eyed crazy haze, he grabbed onto her uninjured arm to pull her along with them toward the emergency room. Of course they only got as far as the door of the room they were pushing Ketty to to work on her.

Most of them get back in one piece; lots of people feel guilty. )

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User: [info]kettyshep
Date: 06-23-2008 @ 22:09
Subject: Wednesday; Supply run to Spring Lake; Slate, Ketty, Sadie, NPCs
Security: Public
Tags:ketty, sadie, slate

Slate was finishing up helping secure the last of the supplies they'd traded for, something Sinai did not only for specialties but also to help the surrounding unfortified communities, into the back of the humveee they'd been granted just for this little expedition. He left Rainey and Matos to finish up loading the supplies and walked over to the driver's side of the car, spotting the Shepherd girls by the passenger door. He looked at Sadie and her new instrument. "Y'know Shep, this means you owe me twice for letting you tag along," And not to mention that she traded a whole damn gallon of the tequila he'd gotten her for a guitar, singular. She could've gotten a dozen of them for that tequila it was so damn rare! He shook his head as he opened the driver's side door to find his sunglasses so he could put them on.

And everything goes horribly wrong. )

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User: [info]eliorgabe
Date: 06-21-2008 @ 14:53
Subject: Monday Night, Sadie & Eli @ Sadie's and then elsewhere
Security: Public
Tags:gabe, sadie

Gabe was punctual for his date with Sadie. He'd managed to swing the on-call shift which left him free to socialize so long as he was available whenever paged. So he'd showered and dressed up nice and had gone to Sadie's place.

It was seven o'clock, like he'd said, when he walked into the bar and strolled on up to the bar, looking around for Sadie as he went and wondering if she was up in her apartment or somewhere down here already.

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User: [info]sadieshep
Date: 06-21-2008 @ 12:08
Subject: Phone call; Monday; Sadie to Slate
Security: Public
Tags:sadie, slate

Hey, he told her she should come to him if she had questions or requests about supplies. And Sadie had a definite need for a certain supply -- Dave had a freak back room accident, causing her number one acoustic guitar to get partly crushed by a crate.

It was horrific. And Sadie needed a new guitar stat, as she had a performance in a few days. And so she was desperate enough to pick up the phone and turn to Slate for help.

Now if only he'd answer on his end...

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User: [info]sadieshep
Date: 06-21-2008 @ 11:51
Subject: Double-Z; [backdated to] Sunday; Sadie and Slate
Security: Public
Tags:sadie, slate

Sadie had been exhausted after closing on Saturday night, so she didn't clean the bar as much as she would have liked. That was what Sunday morning was for. She whistled along to the radio as she used a rag to clean off one of the tables by the front windows. She heard the sound of a car pulling up as she worked, and paused to squint out of the window.

This was supposed to go up yesterday, whoops to being busy! )

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User: [info]eliorgabe
Date: 06-18-2008 @ 23:10
Subject: Friday June 18th, Eli & Sadie @ Jujube then Sadie's Place
Security: Public
Tags:gabe, sadie

The Tale of The Punctual Drinking Contest )

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User: [info]eliorgabe
Date: 06-17-2008 @ 23:11
Subject: Thursday June 17th, nightime at the Jujube - Eli/Sadie/Ketty/Slate
Security: Public
Tags:gabe, ketty, sadie, slate

Zizphus Zizyphus and The Tale of The Transplant's First Drink Out of Containment )

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User: [info]sam_glazer
Date: 06-14-2008 @ 09:30
Subject: Friday, Late Afternoon @ Ziziphus Zizyphus
Security: Public
Location:Sinai, South Dakota
Tags:sadie, sam

Travelling light, Sam had gotten settled into his accommodation fairly quickly, then spent most of the day thus far exploring the city on foot. Late afternoon found him in front of what he had been told was the watering hole of preference in the fair city of Sinai.

Going inside, he headed to the bar and took a seat on one of the stools by the bar.

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