Beeocalypse - April 9th, 2009

User: [info]beeocalypse (posted by [info]sadieshep)
Date: 04-09-2009 @ 21:39
Subject: Base; Thursday morning, Sadie, Gabe, Ketty
Security: Public
Tags:gabe, ketty, sadie

They never had taken Gabe out of the chair in the interrogation room. He'd gotten one glass of water, and then had eventually given in and used the cup as his toilet. It was either that or piss himself and really, he already smelled pretty rank. At some point a guard had been gracious enough to remove it. Gabe was surprised the guard hadn't just dumped it on him. With the cameras on him, they hadn't taken any more swings at him, but he'd fallen asleep with his head hanging down and dark bruises and little scrapes around the edges of the shackles from the weight of them chains and the shackles.

Sadie is used for interro bait! )

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User: [info]beeocalypse (posted by [info]sadieshep)
Date: 04-09-2009 @ 21:42
Subject: Cappa bakery; Thursday afternoon; Sadie and Midian
Security: Public
Tags:midian, sadie

Midian told Sadie she should stop by the bakery after the place closed. There was still about an hour to go before that time, but Sadie didn't want to wait. She wanted to get off the base ASAP and go do something distracting with someone who was nice and wouldn't put her through any sort emotionally-taxing trial. So after the interrogation and a good cry, Sadie left (with an annoying military escort that was sure not to attract any attention) to go to the bakery.

Intense baking lesson. )

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