Apr. 22nd, 2008


The Calm after the Storm Chapter 12

Fandom:Final Fantasy VII
Rating:R - sort of, maybe? I'd apologise for not being sure, but I'm English.
Summary:Chaos has returned to the planet along with Omega, but for Vincent there are still issues to deal with left in their wake. For the rest of Gaia, there's a planet that needs to heal and rebuild. The WRO on one side, opposing factions on the other, life doesn't seem to get any smoother.
Author notes:Oh dear. Just when I think I know where I'm going with this, I lose the plot again. Twelve chapters in and I'm still going 'whut?'
Disclaimer:All characters belong to SquareEnix and I make no money. However, this crazy lack of idea belongs to me. SqEx would never get Cid and Vincent doing this, they'd get them doing something sensible - maybe.

Chapter 12 )

Feb. 4th, 2008


The Calm after the Storm (working title) Chapter 11

Fandom:Final Fantasy VII
Rating:PG-13 for the mo.
Summary:Chaos has returned to the planet along with Omega, but for Vincent there are still issues to deal with left in their wake. For the rest of Gaia, there's a planet that needs to heal and rebuild. The WRO on one side, opposing factions on the other, life doesn't seem to get any smoother.
Author notes:Seriously don't ask. I have no idea what is going on here, I haven't even run a basic grammar check on this because I got sick of staring at it to see if it made any sense, so I'm relying on you my poor long suffering readers to tell me if this chapter is total wtf or not (long author notes are long).
Disclaimer:I barely claim to own this fic some days, let alone any of the characters.

Chapter 11 )

Jan. 26th, 2008


The Calm after the Storm (working title) Chapter 10

Fandom:Final Fantasy VII
Summary:Chaos has returned to the planet along with Omega, but for Vincent there are still issues to deal with left in their wake. For the rest of Gaia, there's a planet that needs to heal and rebuild. The WRO on one side, opposing factions on the other, life doesn't seem to get any smoother.
Author notes:Watch as I attempt with debatable success to move Cid and Vincent's relationship forward! Sorry kids, No Yuffie and Reno this time...well, this is a Cid/Vincent fic ya'know :P
Disclaimer:I still am not director of Square Enix and have not turned into Nomura over night, so I wake this morning to find, surprisingly, that I still don't own these guys.

Chapter 10 )

[Chapter 1][Chapter 2][chapter 3][Chapter 4][Chapter 5][Chapter 6][Chapter 7][Chapter 8][Chapter 9]

Jan. 24th, 2008


The Calm after the Storm (working title) Chapter 9

Fandom:Final Fantasy VII
Summary:Chaos has returned to the planet along with Omega, but for Vincent there are still issues to deal with left in their wake. For the rest of Gaia, there's a planet that needs to heal and rebuild. The WRO on one side, opposing factions on the other, life doesn't seem to get any smoother.
Author notes:I have no excuse.
Disclaimer:FFVII and all characters belong to Square Enix.

Chapter 9 )

[Chapter 1][Chapter 2][chapter 3][Chapter 4][Chapter 5][Chapter 6][Chapter 7][Chapter 8]

Jan. 22nd, 2008


The Calm after the Storm (working title) Chapter 8

Fandom:Final Fantasy VII
Summary:Chaos has returned to the planet along with Omega, but for Vincent there are still issues to deal with left in their wake. For the rest of Gaia, there's a planet that needs to heal and rebuild. The WRO on one side, opposing factions on the other, life doesn't seem to get any smoother
Author's notes:Again unbeta'd. Nope, still have no real idea where I'm going with this. Exciting huh?
Disclaimer:Final Fantasy VII belongs to Square Enix, I make nothing from this beyond taking up space on my hard drive.

Chapter 8 )

[Chapter 1][Chapter 2][chapter 3][Chapter 4][Chapter 5][Chapter 6][Chapter 7]

Jan. 21st, 2008


The Calm after the Storm (working title) Chapter 7

Summary:Chaos has returned to the planet along with Omega, but for Vincent there are still issues to deal with left in their wake. For the rest of Gaia, there's a planet that needs to heal and rebuild. The WRO on one side, opposing factions on the other, life doesn't seem to get any smoother.
Author notes:I have no idea what I'm doing with this, and it probably shows! Anyway, still unbeta'd because I don't want to bother my beta when she's got her own stuff to do, so you'll have to rely on my poor editing skills.
Disclaimer:I own nothing to do with FFVII except this story idea, which Square Enix wouldn't want anyway.

Chapter 7 )

[Chapter 1][Chapter 2][chapter 3][Chapter 4][Chapter 5][Chapter 6]

Jan. 19th, 2008


OMG, it wrote something new

Fandom:Final Fantasy VII
Prompt:#42 Monk
Warnings: None except this doesn't necessarily make a huge amount of sense.

Prompt #42 for finalfantasy100 )

Jan. 17th, 2008


Kinkfest prompt response from whenever ago.

Fandom:Final Fantasy VII
Rating:PG-13 because I don't think it warrants a higher rating than that.
Summary:Cid, Vincent, a cave, Yuffie stuck on a ledge, that kind of thing.
Disclaimer:All characters and settings herein belong to Square Enix, though I doubt they'd lay any kind of claim to the content.

Cid and Vincent sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G - or not )



Fandom:Final Fantasy VII
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters in FFVII and nor would I want to. Have you seen the mess they make of the place?
A/N: This is a short introspective piece that was inspired suddenly by the part in the game where Reno tells the soldiers to stay off the flowers when he’s standing on them. I felt the need to find some kind of explanation for the change in Reno’s personality from the game to the film.

Flowers )
Tags: ,

Aug. 11th, 2007


The Calm after the Storm (working title) Chapter 6

Summary:Chaos has returned to the planet along with Omega, but for Vincent there are still issues to deal with left in their wake. For the rest of Gaia, there's a planet that needs to heal and rebuild. The WRO on one side, opposing factions on the other, life doesn't seem to get any smoother.
Author notes:This chapter is currenty un-beta'd as my beta hasn't read it to tell me she thinks it needs doing again because of 'What the hell have you done with the characterisation!'or something :) And many thanks to [info]jlsigman for ideas on the whole mining issue of Great Glacier.
Disclaimer:FFVII and all it entails belong to Square Enix.

Chapter 6 )

[Chapter 1][Chapter 2][chapter 3][Chapter 4][Chapter 5][Chapter 7]

Aug. 1st, 2007


The Calm after the Storm (working title) Chapter 5

Summary:Chaos has returned to the planet along with Omega, but for Vincent there are still issues to deal with left in their wake. For the rest of Gaia, there's a planet that needs to heal and rebuild. The WRO on one side, opposing factions on the other, life doesn't seem to get any smoother.
Author notes:The rating of this fic may well go up. For anyone stumbling onto my fic journal, hello. Just so you know, this fic will contain a m/m relationship. Just a heads up.
Disclaimer:FFVII and all it entails belong to Square Enix.

Chapter 5 )

[Chapter 1][Chapter 2][chapter 3][Chapter 4]

Jul. 15th, 2007


The Calm after the Storm (working title) Chapter 4

Fandom:FFVII Post Dirge of Cerberus
Rating:PG-13 for language.
Summary:Chaos has returned to the planet along with Omega, but for Vincent there are still issues to deal with left in their wake. For the rest of Gaia, there's a planet that needs to heal and rebuild. The WRO on one side, opposing factions on the other, life doesn't seem to get any smoother.
Author notes: The rating of this fic may well go up. For anyone stumbling onto my fic journal, hello. Just so you know, this fic will contain a m/m relationship. Just a heads up.
Disclaimer:FFVII and all it entails belong to Square Enix.

Chapter 4 )

[Chapter 1][Chapter 2][chapter 3][Chapter 5]

Jul. 5th, 2007


The Calm after the Storm (working title) Chapter 3

Author notes: Long chapter this one.
Disclaimer: All Final Fantasy characters and all associated are the property of Square Enix.

Chapter 3 )

[Chapter 1][Chapter 2][Chapter 4][Chapter 5]

Jul. 2nd, 2007


Fading Scars

Summary: Shera and Vincent talk while Cid's asleep
Author notes: This is my response to a challenge on the Springkink comm at LJ. I never 'officially' took the challenge, because I'm a coward, so it got posted in my LJ and I've now moved it over here.
Disclaimer:FFVII and associated belong to Square Enix.

Fading Scars )

Jun. 30th, 2007


The Calm after the Storm (working title) Chapter 2

Fandom: FFVII
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Chaos has returned to the planet along with Omega, but for Vincent there are still issues to deal with left in their wake. For the rest of Gaia, there's a planet that needs to heal and rebuild. The WRO on one side, opposing factions on the other, life doesn't seem to get any smoother.
Author notes:The rating of this fic may well go up. For anyone stumbling onto my fic journal, hello. Just so you know, this fic will contain a m/m relationship. Just a heads up.
Disclaimer: FFVII and all it entails belong to Square Enix.

Chapter 2 )

[chapter 3][Chapter 4][Chapter 5]
[Chapter 1]

Jun. 29th, 2007


The Calm after the Storm (working title) Chapter 1

Fandom:FFVII Post Dirge of Cerberus
Rating:PG-13 for language.
Summary:Chaos has returned to the planet along with Omega, but for Vincent there are still issues to deal with left in their wake. For the rest of Gaia, there's a planet that needs to heal and rebuild. The WRO on one side, opposing factions on the other, life doesn't seem to get any smoother.
Author notes: The rating of this fic may well go up. For anyone stumbling onto my fic journal, hello. Just so you know, this fic will contain a m/m relationship. Just a heads up.
Disclaimer:FFVII and all it entails belong to Square Enix.

Chapter 1 )

[Chapter 2][chapter 3][Chapter 4][Chapter 5]

Jun. 26th, 2007



Title: Keepsakes
Fandom: FFVII: On the way to a smile - Case of Denzel
Characters/Pairings: Reeve, Denzel, Mrs Ruvi
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Set just as Reeve leaves from talking to Denzel.
Disclaimer: FFVII and all connected belong to SquareEnix

drabble )

Jun. 18th, 2007


Fond Rememberance

Summary:Barret thinks on Marlene.
Author notes:drabble for the [info]ffvii_100 asylum.
Disclaimer: characters belong to Square Enix.

drabble )
Tags: ,

Jun. 5th, 2007


In which Cid, Reeve and Vincent act out a BL anime

x-posted to my journal.

Summary:I think it's title says it all really, but there is a minor incident between Reeve and Vincent. Cid's got the wrong end of the stick, or has he?
Author notes:I was challenged to write a Cid/Vincent/Reeve. Cid had to be jealous of Reeve but whether said jealousy was founded or not was left to me.
Disclaimer: All characters and original material belong to Square Enix.

This was the result )