Sep. 21st, 2007


Otherworld: Part 1

Title: Otherworld
Fandom:Shin Megami Tensei:Nocturne
Summary: The events of the game from Dante's POV
Author notes: I will get around to writing more of this eventually.
Disclaimer: Devil May Cry, Dante and all associated belong to Capcom. Shin Megami Tensei: Lucifer’s Call and all associated belongs to Atlus and co.

Call it what you will-
A revelation from god, or a curse from the demon king.
The fact remains that our world came to an end.

A heretic called upon an unearthly light
and devastation ensued.

Chaos crawled out of the depths of the ocean,
From the black abyss

Death upon death, nothing but death in this barren land
Who can we pray to?
There are only demons and fiends here.

A voice in the dark beguiles me
Truth is a mystery, unravelled by the candles flames.

-From the Journal of a Man
Who Wandered Another World

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