
August 20, 2016

The sky looks sullen, heavy and pregnant with clouds that twitch with eldritch lightining. Whispers that seem to come from nowhere haunt the city.

The storm is here. Find out all you need to know here. All threads dated between 08/20 and 08/27 will be subject to its effects.

Posts Tagged: 'character:+morgan+howell'

Sep. 28th, 2016



[No Subject]

Date: 25th of September, 2031.
Time: 9:07pm.
Location: Daylight Robbery, a small bar in Hell's Kitchen.
Characters: Morgan Howell and Franklin Rivers.
Description: Two Awoken meet in a bar and no punchline can be found.
Status/Rating: Private, In Progress, PG-13 in case of swears.

Three blokes go into a pub. Something happens. The outcome was hilarious! )

Sep. 22nd, 2016


One Call Away

Date: September 22, 2031
Time: Late Afternoon
Location: New Haven Apothecary and Alternative Medicine Center
Characters: Morgan Howell and Kieran Winter
Description: Kieran needs some help
Status/Rating: Private, In Progress, PG-13 for possible language

Sep. 1st, 2016



Working Girl

Date: September 1, 2031
Time: 2:00 PM
Location: Town
Characters: Greer Logan
Description: Making some money
Status/Rating: Open | In Progress | PG
Warnings: TBD

Greer learned a long time ago that high tech stuff didn't work in the wyrdstorms. )

Aug. 2nd, 2016




Date: (See previous posts for in-game date. In-game year is 2031)
Time: The time it takes place, using 12-hour format.
Location: Where it takes place.
Characters: All characters involved.
Description: Thread description, as detailed or poetic as you like.
Status/Rating: Private/Public, in progress/complete, rating.

Follow the cut for our tagging guide and posting format!  )