
August 20, 2016

The sky looks sullen, heavy and pregnant with clouds that twitch with eldritch lightining. Whispers that seem to come from nowhere haunt the city.

The storm is here. Find out all you need to know here. All threads dated between 08/20 and 08/27 will be subject to its effects.

Posts Tagged: 'status:+complete'

Sep. 7th, 2016



Family Business

Date: September 4th, 2031
Time: 10:00 PM
Location: Avery's apartment, Hell's Kitchen
Characters: Ben Locke, Avery Jones
Description: Come into my parlour
Status/Rating: Private, in progress, R for violence

Said the spider to the fly. )

Sep. 6th, 2016



Downtown Dirty: Scene 3 (Final)

Date: Saturday, August 20th, 2031
Time: 2:00
Location: Old Murphy's place
Characters: Liliana [info]hackthe, Alek [info]soroka, Caitlin [info]kissmygrits, and Old Murphy (NPC)
Description: Returning the treasure to Old Murphy
Status/Rating: Private, Complete, PG-13 (language and blood)

Finish it. )

Aug. 25th, 2016



Roses and Flash Bangs

Date: August 2, 2031 (Backdated)
Time: 02:00 AM
Location: Chinatown, off Canal Street
Characters: Ben Locke, Lenaya Bishop
Description: A firefight is not an appropriate anniversary activity
Status/Rating: Private, complete, R for violence

Let's dance. )

Aug. 19th, 2016



Downtown Dirty: Scene 2

Date: Friday, August 19th, 2031 (likely progressing into Saturday)
Time: 19:00
Location: Caitlin's apartment, Brooklyn, NY (to start with)
Characters: Liliana [info]hackthe, Alek [info]soroka, Caitlin [info]kissmygrits, and Old Murphy (NPC)
Description: Seeking out Old Murphy, acquiring favors, doing favors
Status/Rating: Private, Complete, PG-13

Ready, set, go. )

Aug. 17th, 2016



The Canary Caper: Big Trouble in Little China(town)

Date: August 12, 2031 (Backdated)
Time: 13:48 PM
Location: Chinatown, Manhattan
Characters: Benjamin Locke, Avery Jones
Description: Locke, Jones and Go Yeung have the, erm, fun, task of getting information out of gangsters
Status/Rating: Private, complete, R.

Don’t eat the bao. )



Pulling Strings

Date: 2nd July 2031 [Backdated]
Time: 11pm
Location: Unnamed bar, Hells Kitchen
Characters: Jesse Turner & NPCs
Description: Jesse doing what he does best, causing trouble and profiting from it
Status/Rating: Private, Complete, PG-13 (indications of violence)

Everything was about timing, no denying that, and Jesse had all the time in the world )

Aug. 16th, 2016



Hackers was the best movie

Date: August 8th, 2031 [backdated]
Time: 9pm
Location: The Bearded Lady
Characters: Victor van Rijn and Liliana Salvo
Description: Meeting a like-minded lady.
Status/Rating: Private, complete, PG-13

1984? Yeah right, man. That's a typo. Orwell is here now. He's livin' large. We have no names, man. No names. We are nameless! )



Arrested Endeavours

Date: June 14th, 2013 [Backdated]
Time: 3:15pm
Location: A DMS station in NYC
Characters: Avery Jones & NPCs
Description: Avery doesn't go immediately for her powers, for this precise reason.
Status/Rating: Private, Complete, G (for bloodiness)

The Agent - Matthew - was barely cognizant but when Avery sighed and started pulling off her gloves, he started jerking again, trying to pull away from the table. )

Aug. 14th, 2016



Memory of Regina.

Date:5 years after fissure (Backdate)
Location:New York.
Characters: Regina Animalia.
Description: Memory of Regina.
Rating: PG-13
Status: One shot/Complete.
Type: Backdated narrative

Lost in thought )

Aug. 12th, 2016



The Canary Caper: Trouble in Greenwich

Date: August 12, 2031.
Time: 7.30 AM.
Location: Alleyway off Bank Street and 8th Avenue.
Characters: Benjamin Locke, Avery Jones, James Crawford.
Description: Moider most foul (Part One of The Canary Caper).
Status/Rating: Private, complete, R.

Locke could already feel a corporate headache coming his way. )



Ninja Training

Date: August 8th, 2031
Time: 2pm
Location: Gymnasium, DMS Office
Characters: Avery Jones & Benjamin Locke
Description: Avery is a weakling and can't throw a punch. Apparently that's not very good for a DMS agent...
Status/Rating: Private, Complete, G.

Being sweaty was pretty high on her list of things that she didn't like, but topping it all was having somone throwing punches at her and expecting her to just dodge out of the way )

Aug. 11th, 2016



The Gathering Storm

Date: July 2, 2031
Time: 11:38 PM
Location: Brooklyn Bridge
Characters: The First Witch
Description: Beginnings
Status/Rating: Private, complete, G.

Heat scorched the earth around her. )

Aug. 2nd, 2016




Date: (See previous posts for in-game date. In-game year is 2031)
Time: The time it takes place, using 12-hour format.
Location: Where it takes place.
Characters: All characters involved.
Description: Thread description, as detailed or poetic as you like.
Status/Rating: Private/Public, in progress/complete, rating.

Follow the cut for our tagging guide and posting format!  )