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Jul. 23rd, 2010


A Snake and a Viper

Who: Myrwin, Alyana
Where: His champers
When: Aug 19th, Afternoon
Rating: PG
Status: Closed/Log/Completed

I’m not dead yet. )

Jul. 22nd, 2010


walking nightmares.

Who: Genna, Jaehaerys, NPC Kingsguard
Where: Summerhall, random hallway
When: August 19, laaate. like if we had actual clocks it would be Aug 20.
Rating: PG-13
Status: Ask if you want to join.

Jul. 21st, 2010


if you want an audience...

who: Jaehaerys, ?
where: the king's study, Summerhall
when: Aug 20, afternoon
rating: PG
status: OPEN

((i know a couple people need to talk to Jaers one-on-one in official capacity: Selester, William, etc; just tag in in separate threads and we'll figure it out, ok?))


Who: Aeria, ?
Where: Summerhall, the queen's garden
When: Aug 20, noon
Rating: PG
Status: Open

Jul. 20th, 2010


thank you for bringing her back...

who: Aeria, Lyanora
when: the 17th, evening
where: Summerhall, Stark chambers
rating: PG-13
status: closed


the ice breaks

who: Kaelyn, Petyr
where: Kings Landing, The Great Sept of Baelor
when: August 24, early evening after escaping the Black Drea-- uh, Vianna.
rating: PG-13 for now
status: closed

Jul. 18th, 2010


reading is overrated

who: Emberlei, ?
where: Kings Landing, Emberlei's room
when: afternoon, Aug 18
rating: PG
status: OPEN


the court

who: Aeria, everyone who wants to hang out
where: Summerhall, the formal gardens
when: August 18, afternoon
rating: PG
status: OPEN


the kids are all right

who: Jaehaerys, Genna, Ned?
where: Summerhall, the dragon pens
when: Aug 16, midday
status: Closed, ask before joining
rating: pg-13

Jul. 16th, 2010


Royal Proclamation


Jul. 13th, 2010


how did we get here? - Jaehaerys, Aeria.

Who: Jaehaerys, Aeria
Where: Summerhall, the King's Chambers
When: a little while after the Small Council ends their session.
Status: Completed solo log.


There's probably a romantic comedy in here somewhere. Except these are Stark/Lannisters, so.

Who: Lily and Harper (and Tyrith? If he's taking part?).
What: Deathmatch. Meeting the family! Everybody has to do it.
When: August 16th, midday. (Day after Tyrith and Harper's arrival.)
Where: Lannister chambers.
Status Closed/Incomplete.

How I made you, I wrought you, I pulled you/From ore I labored you, from cancer I cradled you, and now/This is how I am repaid, this is how I am repaid? )


nightmares - Genna/other starks?

who:Genna, anyone who'd be in hearing distance? 
where: Summerhall, the Stark kids' rooms
when: the third night after the feast, late late at night
rating: PG
status: open

Jul. 11th, 2010


Chapter 2: Calendar


*August 6th: The Court arrives at Summerhall, and Princess Elia finds out that her baggage train is delayed. King Jaehaerys and Princess Elia meet in the Garden. Elsewhere, Queen Aeria relaxes and considers the future.

*Meanwhile, at the Red Keep, Tyrith arrives at King's Landing

* August 7th: Ned and Lyanna discuss Ned's lessons; William drops by.

* August 8th: Queen Aeria and Lord William meet in the garden.

*Meanwhile, at the Red Keep, Lady Kaelyn and Lord Cedric meet while out shopping.

* August 13th: King Jaehaerys awakens Princess Elia with some news.

* August 14th: The Prince's Tourney begins. Elia hosts a party in her chambers to mark the first day of the tourney and celebrate the joust that will begin the next day.

* August 15th: A forester and his son make a gruesome discovery. Sir Meryn Vance rides to Summerhall with news of the body. Prince Rhaeys dispenses the initial orders, and sends for William Stark. Prince Rhaeys and the Hand of the King meet.

The second day of the tournament commences. Tyrith and Harper arrive during mid-morning.

The King meets with the Hand, and is informed of the murder. Immediately afterward, Aeria and Lazralene go to the dungeons, and matters take a strange turn. In Lazralene's chambers, they discuss what is to be done.

On the list field, Kyra listens to the early rumors. While the grown ups are distracted, Genna and Ned head out to the lake to investigate where the body was found.

Soon after, the Maester reports the body missing to Rhaeys, while Aeria sends a raven to her brother Myrwin.

After the end of the jousts, Lord Tyrith and his son Tyronne meet, as do the king and Princess Aenyris, and the princess is made an offer.

That evening, Lord and Lady Lannister reunite.

At the great feast that night, the king retires early. After which, Jaehaerys and Aenyris find comfort in each other.

In the encampments, Harper moves among the players and mummers of Summerhall.

*Meanwhile, at the Red Keep, Vianna Arryn and Dayne Baratheon have a chance encounter.

* August 16th: Harper has lunch with Lilyanna. Ned and Genna visit the dragons and afterward Ned faces his mother. That evening, Kyra goes to Selester's rooms.

* August 17th: William and Lily meet and speak of the current situations. Baelor and Lyanora ride out to search for Elia and discover her body in the forest. Later that day, Toria Lannister comes upon King Jaehaerys brooding in the garden. After the hunters return, Aeria offers her thanks.

Meanwhile, back at the Red Keep, the scheming side of House Baratheon meets and plots their next move, and the Baratheon daughters chat.

* August 18th: The royal messengers ride out to the kingdom with the declaration of mourning. Aeria and the court relax in the garden. Selester sends a bit of correspondence. Jaehaerys and Tyrith meet. That night, Genna has a bad dream.

* August 19th: The Small Council meets. Afterward, Jaehaerys and Aeria have words.

Late that night, the king comes upon Genna, delirious with fever.

Meanwhile, in the Red Keep, Alyana pays Prince Myrwin a visit.

*August 20: The king grants audiences. Queen Aeria takes refuge in her garden.

Meanwhile, in the Red Keep, the Baratheon children hear the news from Summerhall.

*August 21: Lord Redwyne returns from a ride.

* August 22nd: Daenyra arrives at Summerhall.

* August 24: Meanwhile in the Red Keep, Kaelyn, Vianna and Eva have a conversation, and afterward Kaelyn goes to the Great Sept.

Jul. 10th, 2010


Who: Harper, ?
When: The night after she arrives
Where: Summerhall, among the players, mummers and various civilians
Rating: PG13 to be safe?
Status: Open! :D

And her feet scarcely touched the ground )

Jul. 9th, 2010


let's talk...

who: Elia, Jaehaerys
when: the night before the party (aka two days before the joust)
where: Elia's chambers
status: closed, ask before joining. :)
rating: PG-13 to start



who: Kaelyn, Vianna, Eva, Open
where: Kings Landing, the Red Keep, the great hall/just outside of it.
when: a week after Elia's body is discovered (the one that's stayed dead)
rating: PG-13
status: Open for business


who: Daenyra and open
where: Summerhall, receiving courtyard
when: A week after Elia's death
rating: PG?  Probably?
status: Open!


Jul. 7th, 2010


honey, i'm home?

who: Tyrith, Lily, Lannister kids?
where: Summerhall, Lannister chambers
when: the day of the tourney, just before the feast
rating: pg-13 for now
status: open


A Dragon’s Comfort

Who: Jaehaerys and Aenyris
When: After the Feast
Where: His bedroom
Rating: R!
Status: Closed

Let Me Warm Your Heart. Dragon's Don't Take Well To Ice. )

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