Who: Trish and Jessica What | Where: Trish blackmails Max Tatum, Will Simpson is there, Jess shows up | Brooklyn Rating:Yellow: mentions of sexual abuse, extreme violence, etc
Who: Jessica and Trish What Whizzer, and Jessica's Past Where: Alias Investigations When: During the Hulk thing. Warnings: Spoilers for season 2 of Jessica Jones, especially episode 1
Who: Jessica and Rumlow What: He's checking up on her. Where: His place When: After these text messages Rating: Language and references to Kilgrave things
Who: Rumlow, Jessica Jones and Pepper Potts What: Drankin Where: Rumlow's place When: Right after this Rating: PG13 for language and getting poor Pepper drunk.
Who: Jessica Jones and Rumlow What: Spying, drinking, bonding Where: A bar and then her place When: Yesterday and today before this Rating/Warning: Lots and lots of cursing and vague mentions of sexy time