September 3rd, 2020



F E R N ~ Alert

Who: Potted Fern, you and anyone you want to talk to.
Where: Floor 39, Common Dining Area
What: Just, you know, a fern.
Warnings: if you need them, let me know.
Notes: This is a FERN post, ladies and gentlemen, first of it's kind. That means behind the cut are details on what you can do here! (to save space!) please, read on! LJ-Cut text sung to the tune of Just a Girl by No Doubt. You love me, you're welcome.

Cause I'm just a FERN, oh, little old me. Well, don't let me out of your sight )




Who: Peter & Gamora
What: Gamora freaks out and attempts to plan vengeance, but learns an important lesson about the Great Hero Kevin Bacon.
Where: On the Benatar on the roof
When: After Drax brought up Gamora's dear old dad.
Notes/Warnings: No warnings, but a fade out in order to facilitate posting NSFW content separately.

In the epic story of our great hero Kevin Bacon.... )




Message sent to Sinister via small black bird, untraceable, and set out in the middle of the night, late, under the cover of darkness. Please see show notes for any additional information. )