May 17th, 2019




Who: Bobbi, Spidey, Tony, with Justin Hammer (npc)
What: Interrogation at Seagate Penitentiary.
When: recently, sometime in May
Rating: Green

Tell us what you know )




Who: Christine and Bruce
What: Late night dinner
When: Tonight
Rather: Green?

Appendectomies were such a bore. One of the most common procedures, and generally speaking, one of the easiest. It was simple enough these days, and of course, of course Christine tempted fate by estimating an hour at most.

Wrong. )




Who: Darcy Lewis & Peter Quill
What: Netflix and no pants
When: Friday evening
Rating/Warnings: TBD? It's Darcy and Quill. Who knows.

~+~+~+~ )