October 2011




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Mar. 14th, 2011


Who: Alicia Spinnet and Oliver Wood
What: Every battle has its casualties. Time to nurse the still lingering effects of the skirmish at Port of Tilbury
When: Tuesday, March 1 1998 [Backdated]
Where: The Weasley/Wood flat in Hogsmeade
Rating: PG

Now all she had to do was get Oliver to actually drink it. )

Mar. 7th, 2011


Who: Terry Boot & Oliver Wood.
What: Terry and Oliver happen to share the privilege of being the sole occupants of the hospital wing. Plottery-special!
When: Wednesday, October 27th 1993
Where: The hospital Wing / Hogwarts.
Rating: Probably low.
Oliver knew the place too well. Madame Pomfrey was quite capable of suddenly jumping out from behind a corner somewhere and force some disgusting potion down his throat. )

Feb. 25th, 2011


Who: Oliver Wood, Bernard Yaxley, Alicia Spinnet, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, and TBD NPC DE.
What: Death Eaters (including Bernard Yaxley and ________) attack the Port of Tilbury, sinking a cruise ship and a cargo freighter. George Weasley, Oliver Wood, Fred Weasley, and Alicia Spinnet go once they hear of the attack to try and help.
Where: Port of Tilbury
When: Wednesday night. Backdated slightly.

It was a dark and stormy night and then the DEs attacked a cruise liner. )

Feb. 22nd, 2011


Who: Charlie and Oliver
What: Late night walks
When: Tuesday night
Where: Muggle Derbyshire
Rating: PG but may change

Feb. 18th, 2011


Who: Oliver Wood & Percy Weasley
What: Driven to drink & c.
When: Friday, 18 February, evening
Where: The Leaky Cauldron
Rating: TBD

'Oliver,' he said carefully, sour-faced. 'Is Quidditch hiring?' )

Feb. 16th, 2011


Who: Michelle Campbell Wright & Oliver Wood. Later on a mystery guest Alicia Spinnet.
What: A chance encounter in a Muggle neighbourhood or: Two fish out of water.
When: February 16th 1998. Night.
Where: A Muggle suburb near London, then Alicia's flat.
Rating: Low.

He had been doing his rounds around Muggle neighbourhoods for the better part of two months now, spending night after night casting protective hexes on Muggle houses. )

Feb. 12th, 2011


Who: Katie Bell & Oliver Wood.
What: Oliver is once again in need of spare parts for a broomstick he wrecked. That, and thre have been rumours about Katie's involvement with the Order, so Oliver feels the need to investigate.
When: February 12th 1998.
Where: Quality Quidditch Supplies || Diagon Alley.
Rating: Most likely low.

In theory he should have managed to create the perfect broomstick about two years ago. Reality looked somewhat different. )

Feb. 9th, 2011


Who: Alicia Spinnet & Oliver Wood.
What: They're not having a date. Because...they don't date each other. Really.
When: BACKSTORY. February 14th 1994. (V-Day Special)
Where: The Pitch (where else?) | Hogwarts.
Rating: Low. Mostly teenagers stumbling over themselves.

All the random declarations of love and affection packed into one day were making Oliver slightly nauseous and he really couldn't be held accountable for his actions if he saw just one more pink candy heart. Or a singing postcard. Or a dancing stuffed toy. )


Who: Percy Weasley & Oliver Wood.
What: Oliver returns home with a couple of bruises that can't be explained away with Quidditch for once and Percy has questions. A whole lot of them.
When: February 9th 1998
Where: Percy and Oliver's flat in London.
Rating: Possible language warning.

Honey, I'm home! )

Feb. 6th, 2011


Who Charlie and Oliver
What Catching up
When (Backdated) Saturday night
Where Dingy bar in northern England
Rating PG-13 to be safe

Feb. 2nd, 2011


Who: Oliver Wood & Percy Weasley
What: Gryffindor/Slytherin matches are ugly, and not just because of Flint's face.
When: BACKSTORY, November, 1992
Where: Sixth year Gryffindor boy's dormitory
Rating: Language, Oliver!

Was it entirely necessary to call Warrington a slug-sucking skrewt for brains? )