Slashing Stargate Atlantis
.::: .::... .:::::. .: ::: ..:::: .:..
paraka [userpic]
Friending Meme

Hi everyone, I'm [info]paraka your new mod! I have a couple ideas on things that we can do to make this place a little more lively and the first one is everyone getting to know each other a little better! So I thought I'd try doing a friending meme.

Just fill out the form below as a comment and then read through what others have posted and start friending away.
Some of the questions can be specific about RL things, if you'd rather not say feel free to skip or say something funny :)




<b>Favorite Characters:</b>

<b>Favorite Ships:</b>

<b>Other Fandoms:</b>

<b>Turtles or whales?:</b>

<b>What's in your journal:</b>

<b>Anything else?</b>


Name: [info]paraka or Lindsay

Age: 23

Location: Ottawa

Favorite Characters: Rodney, Carson, Ronon and Lorne.

Favorite Ships: McKay/Sheppard, McKay/Beckett, McKay/Dex (seeing a trend here? Rodney is kind of my "little black dress" of slash, I'll give any slash pairing with Rodney in it a try).

Other Fandoms: Numb3rs, Reaper, I used to be in the Harry Potter (Snarry) and Queer as Folk (Brian/Justin) fandoms but I've since moved on. Some friends have convinced me to start watching Dr. Who though, so maybe one day....

Turtles or whales?: Wee baby turtles!

What's in your journal: Hmm, well, it's a mix of RL and fandom. I've been posting some fandom meta lately and would like to keep doing that. Lately there was panic about getting my vid done in time.

Anything else? I try my best to comment on people's posts and god help you if I get on a role (especially about meta) because it might be hard to shut me up.
My journal is also open to rambling from other people, it's always the right time to bring something up. Hope to see you there!

Name: denyce

Age: 44

Location: Ca

Favorite Characters: I'm a slut! for the guys ;) Lorne, John, Rodney, Ronon, & Carson

Favorite Ships: Lorne/Ronon, Rodney/Ronon, McShep, McShep/Beckett, Lorne/anyone

Other Fandoms: SPN, CW rps, Dark Angel, & Once a Thief are all current fandoms I am writing in.

Turtles or whales?: Ah penguins! ;-P

What's in your journal: usual mix of things rl/fandom

Anything else? I love getting together with other slashers in rl at cons--I usually hit 3 to 4 cons a year. Would love to see IJ more active--will be checking back to friend people at the end of the weekend, earlier if I can escape *g*

I love getting together with other slashers in rl at cons
Isn't that the best? So many people go to cons to meet the actors, I go to them to meet other fans. I was at the doomed FedCon this summer which was canceled the Saturday morning of but I think I had more fun hanging out with other fans than I would have had it continued. Also, I'm very lucky that Ottawa, where I live, has a slashers group that meets up at least once a month. :)

I'd love to friend you.

Ah should have clarified, slash cons. Wish I could afford the other, one day I'd like to make it to Comic con, but as it is I go to Bascon, Winchestercon, Escapade, & Writercon. It's always lovely whether it's at a con or when local slasher friends get together that you don't have to explain the whole slash thing--and even better than that to not explain your fandom/pairings *nods*

Oh, I hadn't heard of most of those cons. The cons that I have gone to have been pretty small though so they feel more personal. Although when I was at FedCon after it was cancelled some of the actors went to a side room and stayed to do pictures and autographs so as not to let the fans downs and Gigi Edgley was one of them. I had been wearing a black shirt with m/m m/m m/m etc. written across it in a rainbow and she asked me what it meant. Cue my face turning red. I stammer out that it meant I liked slash, so she asked me what slash was. Luckily her agent saved me and said she'd tell her later. So, yeah, going to a slash con where you don't have to explain things is kind of appealing. :P

Name: blue

Location: Ontario

Favorite Characters: Rodney John Ronon and Teyla

Favorite Ships: OT4

Other Fandoms: Multi-fannish, fandoms include: Supernatural, Burn Notice, RPF/RPS, BSG, all Jossverses (exluding Serenity and comics), SV, due South, some comics and SGA of course.

Turtles or whales?:whales

What's in your journal:Mish-mash collection of squee, personal stuff and a smidgeon of fic.

Cool. I've added you as a friend. :)

Name: Raederle
Age: old enough to know better, or alternatively, too old for this shit
Location: Texas
Favorite Characters: Rodney, John, Ronon, Teyla, Chuck, Lorne, Parrish, Caldwell
Favorite Ships: John/Rodney, Lorne/Parrish
Other Fandoms: SPN, BtVS, QAF, LOTR, Shelter
Turtles or whales?: Green Sea Turtles, righteous!
What's in your journal: Buncha junk
Anything else? Science teacher and I like to blow stuff up

too old for this shit
Ha, no one's too old for fandom. I was in the QaF fandom when it was airing and was lucky enough to go to the set sale when they had finished filming. As I was standing in line ready to pay I ended up fangirling with the woman who was standing beside me, who had to be at least 80. :)

Green Sea Turtles, righteous!
When your comment arrived in my gmail inbox all the ads changed to "Save the Sea Turtle" ones :P

Also, hello fellow mod. I had discussed with [info]lilithilien a couple of ideas that I had for the comm, I'm not sure if she mentioned any of them but it'd be great to talk to you about some of them if you're interested (my contact info is in my profile). :)

old enough to know better, or alternatively, too old for this shit

No such thing! *friends you*

Name: Azure

Age: Older than dirt (i.e. 38)

Location: Land of confusion

Favorite Characters: Rodney, Teyla, Carson, John, Radek, Ronon

Favorite Ships: John/Rodney, Carson/Radek, Ronon/Lorne, Ronon/Teyla, Teyla/Rodney

Other Fandoms: Buffy (Spike/Xander), Xena (Joxer/Ares, Cupid/Strife), CSI (Nick/Hodges), CSI:Miami (Horatio/Speed), Torchwood (Ianto/Jack), Criminal Minds (Reid/anyone)

Turtles or whales?: Whales

What's in your journal: Lots of RL stuff (I vent a lot), and my fanfiction.

Anything else? I really don't write much, but I will read just about anything that is well written, and I love leaving feedback.

I will read just about anything that is well written
I'm sort of like that too, except for me it's more, I'll believe anything if it's well written. I've read some of the most interesting pairings and about the most interesting situations that way. :)

I agree. That's how I got into the Xena fandom as well as shipping Nick/Hodges for CSI. I would have never thought those pairings would work, and then I read some fanfic that absolutely blew me away, and I was totally hooked.

Name: Same as my ij, Ceria

Age: 36

Location: Ohio

Favorite Characters: Ronon, John, Teyla, Rodney, though I like most all of them.

Favorite Ships: John/Ronon, Rodney/Ronon, OT4 and most other pairings, I prefer rare pairings.

Other Fandoms: I'm not very active in fandom, but PotC, Tin Man and still Harry Potter a little.

Turtles or whales?: Turtles!

What's in your journal: Mostly HP slash fic, it's addicting but I'm working on that, some PotC and Tin Man fic, and a bit of RL stuff.

Anything else? I want more SGA fic to read, it's still all pretty new to me, and I lean toward anything Ronon first, no matter the rating or pairing.

Cool. What part of the HP fandom were you in?

I love your icon. Hi.

A very little of Sirius/Remus at the beginning, but quickly moved to minor characters and rare pairs. I adore Kingsley Shacklebolt, used to pair him with Gideon Prewett with a writing partner for a long time, but not so much anymore. I'm on hiatus, but I technically still write for daily_deviant as well.

Thanks! It's one of the few icons I made myself.

I was involved with HP fandom for a little while but I never got far enough in to really get into the rare pairs. I gotta admit, I don't even remember who Gideon Prewett is....

HP is a scary fandom.

Gideon is one of those one-line characters, he was Molly Weasley's brother and only mentioned a couple times, so no surprise there. :)

Yeah, I was kind of scared out of the fandom. :S

Gideon is one of those one-line characters, he was Molly Weasley's brother and only mentioned a couple times, so no surprise there. :)
Oh good, I'm feeling less dumb now. :P

Name: Auburn
Age: Decrepit
Location: Northern California
Favorite Characters: John, Rodney, Teyla, Ronon, Lorne, Zelenka, Chuck, Woolsey.
Favorite Ships: John/Rodney, OT4, John/Vala, Teyla/Ronon, Teyla/Rodney.
Other Fandoms: Currently concentrating on SGA or SGA/SG1, but I've been in Alias, Magnificent Seven, Due South, and Once Upon a Time in Mexico and read SPN and plenty of others in obsessive bouts.
Turtles or whales?: Orcas.
What's in your journal: Fanfic and whinge is what I say and it sums it up. February might be poetry month if I stick to it next year.

Anything else?: Nope.

John/Vala, that's not a pairing I've seen before. What made you interested in it?

The pretty, of course! I'm partial to brunettes. Besides, I think John could go with the flow of Vala's personality, the teasing and flirting, with ease.

And, yes, I know there's no canon support. I don't let reality get in my way.

Ah, that explains a little of your EPIC! Big Bang fic that I'm working my way through currently. Seriously, 200,000 words?? How did your fingers not fall off?

Also, friending :)

Besides, I think John could go with the flow of Vala's personality, the teasing and flirting, with ease.
Yeah, I can see it too.

I know there's no canon support. I don't let reality get in my way.
Pfft. Who needs canon support. That's asking a bit too much in my opinion :P

Northern California? Yeah, where abouts? I'm in Concord, Contra Costa area. There are quite a few fen in the area that get together, if you're ever interested drop me a line... also do you know about Bascon? It's a lovely slash con, any qs just poke me ;)


Northern California, as in closer to Oregon than not. Contra Costa is a long drive south for me. I never get to cons, unfortunately. I not much for gatherings anyway. I usually make a close acquaintance of the wall or a shady corner.

Name: La Chatte Noire

Age: 25

Location: San Francisco

Favorite Characters: McKay, Zelenka, Todd, Carter

Favorite Ships: McShep, McKay/Zelenka

Other Fandoms: The X-Files, three of the five Star Treks, Smallville, Invader Zim, Danny Phantom (feels properly ashamed), SG1, LotR, a couple others. Been at this awhile.

Turtles or whales?: Dogs.

What's in your journal: Mainly fanfiction, some essays, and some RL stuff.

Anything else? Not really.

What's Danny Phantom? And why are you ashamed?

Danny Phantom (feels properly ashamed)

Nothing to be ashamed of. I've been in cartoon and/or comic fandoms before (such as Kim Possible and Xmen), and I'm 38.

Another local fen, *waves* ;) from across the bridge, I'm in the, East Bay Concord area.

& I'll point out in case you didn't/don't know about Bascon a lovely slash con in SF. Also to let you know several of us get together throughout the year--if you're interested drop me a line.

Name: Melody

Age: 40

Location: USA

Favorite Characters: Sheppard, Ronon, McKay

Favorite Ships: Sheppard/Ronon, Sheppard/Ronon/Mckay.

Other Fandoms: HP, Batman, CSI, Dr. Who

Turtles or whales?: whales

What's in your journal: Mostly HP slash fiction, some Batman slash fiction, a little CSI slash fiction.

I love your favorite pairings.

Thanks! I think they're really cute together.

I see there your favorites too. I'll add you on my flist.

I love John/Ronon a lot. Friended back.

John/Ronon is my absolute favorite pairing. Thanks for adding me.

Name: Queenbarwench

Age: Not quite 30

Location: England, North-East thereof, under umbrella.

Favorite Characters: Rodney, John, Radek, Teyla, Carson

Favorite Ships: John/Rodney, OT4, quite partial to Radek/Lorne too.

Other Fandoms: Used to follow Harry Potter, occasional CSI (Vegas or New York), NCIS, and Die Hard 4 is a new one that's caught my attention.

Turtles or whales?: Whales!

What's in your journal: Fic recs and occasional randomness. I'm a reader rather than a writer, and I've been so busy lately that I have this long list of bookmarks that I haven't quite turned into recs yet. Never enough time...

Anything else? All SGA friends welcome! I wish there were more of us here at IJ.

Friended you back, now I want to read some Radek/Lorne. :)

Radek/Lorne is a highly underrated pairing within this fandom. I wish I was a writer because I have this epic Radek/Lorne fic in my head but I know it would suck if I wrote it out :(

Ahm, I did write a tiny Lorne/Radek piece kinda. Its pre-slash with more Lorne then Radek, but if you're interested its here:
Dance, Bob, Weave

Name: [info]watersword/Élizabeth

Age: early 20s

Location: New York, USA

Favorite Characters: John Sheppard. Elizabeth Weir. Jennifer Keller. Radek Zelenka.

Favorite Ships: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard. Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller. Radek Zelenka/Elizabeth Weir.

Other Fandoms: Pirates of the Caribbean, due South, I'm falling for Supernatural, and a million Yuletide fandoms.

Turtles or whales?: ....what.

What's in your journal: Publicly, fannish stuff -- rants and squee and fic. Although less of the latter of late, now that I am writing a gazillion NOVELS.

Anything else? My website,, contains all the public content as well as a fic archive.

Yuletide fandoms? What are those...?

Anyway, friended you, as your journal looks interesting (unlike mine currently)

\o/ more people!

Yuletide fandoms are the rare fandoms that get love once a year at the Yuletide festival. ::happy sigh:: Obscure books and movies and TV shows and comics get some love and awesome fic.

Cool :) I'll keep an eye out for that.

Name: Bordo

Age: 30

Location: Hungary

Favorite Characters: Rodney

Favorite Ships: Rodney/anyone, (mostly Shep/Rodney), Radek/Ronon, Beckett/Ford

Other Fandoms: SG1, Heroes, Lost, Psych, Scrubs, Numb3rs, Harry Potter (Snape fan), etc..

Turtles or whales?: Neither?

What's in your journal: Nothing much, only some ramblings and my embarassing attempts at making wallpapers.

Anything else?I hope I'm not too late.