Slashing Stargate Atlantis
.::: .::... .:::::. .: ::: ..:::: .:..
paraka [userpic]
Friending Meme

Hi everyone, I'm [info]paraka your new mod! I have a couple ideas on things that we can do to make this place a little more lively and the first one is everyone getting to know each other a little better! So I thought I'd try doing a friending meme.

Just fill out the form below as a comment and then read through what others have posted and start friending away.
Some of the questions can be specific about RL things, if you'd rather not say feel free to skip or say something funny :)




<b>Favorite Characters:</b>

<b>Favorite Ships:</b>

<b>Other Fandoms:</b>

<b>Turtles or whales?:</b>

<b>What's in your journal:</b>

<b>Anything else?</b>


Name: [info]watersword/Élizabeth

Age: early 20s

Location: New York, USA

Favorite Characters: John Sheppard. Elizabeth Weir. Jennifer Keller. Radek Zelenka.

Favorite Ships: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard. Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller. Radek Zelenka/Elizabeth Weir.

Other Fandoms: Pirates of the Caribbean, due South, I'm falling for Supernatural, and a million Yuletide fandoms.

Turtles or whales?: ....what.

What's in your journal: Publicly, fannish stuff -- rants and squee and fic. Although less of the latter of late, now that I am writing a gazillion NOVELS.

Anything else? My website,, contains all the public content as well as a fic archive.

Yuletide fandoms? What are those...?

Anyway, friended you, as your journal looks interesting (unlike mine currently)

\o/ more people!

Yuletide fandoms are the rare fandoms that get love once a year at the Yuletide festival. ::happy sigh:: Obscure books and movies and TV shows and comics get some love and awesome fic.

Cool :) I'll keep an eye out for that.