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Aug. 3rd, 2011


[filtered; [info]inyourgreeneyes, [info]huntsbunnies, [info]ilovepickles, [info]awkwardsubtext]


We're going to have a nursery! :D

Jul. 24th, 2011


[ooc: my Elenas were rather bored today and since torn_between couldn't leave the apartment, her and huntsbunnies had to occupy themselves. DOING ONE POST TO SAVE SPACE]

Mix CD for Stefan Salvatore [info]inyourgreeneyes  from Elena Gilbert [info]huntsbunnies 


Mix CD for
Damon Salvatore [info]ilovepickles  from Elena Salvatore [info]torn_between 


Jul. 23rd, 2011


Delivered to Elena Gilbert; [info]huntsbunnies

I love you more than a fat kid loves cake. )


[text; [info]inyourgreeneyes]

>>Damon won't let me leave the apartment.
>>I'm pregnant. Not helpless.
>>Please smack him for me.
>>And bring snacks.

Jul. 21st, 2011


Karaoke night for all? Y/Y/MFY?


I'm making you dinner tonight. BE PREPARED. Have the fire extinguisher ready.

Jul. 11th, 2011


[text; [info]inyourgreeneyes]

>>I need money. For shopping.
>> D: Please? I promised I would help Damon's wife.
>>She doesn't know how to get clothes.


[filtered; [info]inhisblueeyes]

I need to ask you a favor. I want to make dinner for Stefan, something romantic because of...the fight we had over Bastien and the marriage. Could you and Elena give us a few hours alone tonight in the house? I'll owe you.

[filtered; [info]inyourgreeneyes]

Do you think there's any way to get my boyfriend out of the house tonight for a couple of hours while I make him a surprise dinner, without him getting any sort of paranoid that I might have ran off with my soon-to-be-ex-husband or that I'm doing something kinda fishy? I don't think I'm allowed to say "could you please leave for a while" after we've almost broken up. And he hates Damon so I can't ask him.

[filtered; [info]oldfashionsoul]

Leave your schedule open tonight.

Jun. 28th, 2011


[text; [info]inyourgreeneyes]

>>Can we go for a drive and then go swimming?
>>And have a picnic?
>> :)

Jun. 24th, 2011


Filtered to [info]inyourgreeneyes

Hey, I was wondering if you could maybe check in on Stefan and see if he's okay or if he needs help.

Sorry I never told you how it went. I haven't really been doing all that well, but it went pretty badly as I'm sure you knew it would. I knew it would, anyway.


[Filtered; Good Stefans and Damons]

I slept with Katherine...

It just... happened.

What the fuck is wrong with me? I know what she's like.

Jun. 19th, 2011


[Filtered; All Damons]

Happy Birthday.

Left for ~herblackbird )

Left for ~savethesouth )

Left for ~badassbigbro, ~choseher, ~darkcrow, ~easierthisway, ~ilovepickles, ~letsgetwrecked, ~varvatosdude and ~wantstobehated )

Jun. 18th, 2011


[filtered; [info]inyourgreeneyes]

Welp, I did it. Elena is officially my girlfriend. Best birthday present I could ask for.

Jun. 15th, 2011


[Text; Elena Gilbert ([info]huntsbunnies)]

» There's something wrong with that Elena.
» The one the Damon posted the pictures of.
» I think Damon's... mistreating her.


Filtered; Elena Gilbert (lookslikeher) )

Jun. 14th, 2011


Filtered from Klaus (all of them)

Stefan and I are now proud parents.

Meet Scarlett

It's the only kind of baby we will ever have and I'm okay with that. Sorta.

Now if only he would stop whining and come into the bedroom and cuddle both of us.

Jun. 8th, 2011


[filtered; [info]inyourgreeneyes]

I know you hate me, and you have every right after all that I've done to Elena...even though we have been...healing our relationship, so to speak. Still, I'm asking for your advice since you're me...or mostly me, without the "mean streak". You seem to do much better at dating, which is understandable since I think the only way to describe how I've been living the past 145 years is by saying I've been fucking my way through eternity.

What does a man do when he loves two women? One that hasn't been around for a century and a half--which she said she had her reasons to not be--but still claims to love him fully and seems to want to make up for that...but could be deceiving him at the same time. And one that...is new and young and misunderstood...and perfect and says she'll never leave, that she'll always be there, hell or high water because she craves for someone to care for and someone to care for her.

Jun. 1st, 2011


[filtered; friends]


This was one of the best things to wake up to.


[Filtered; Pearl]

What the hell are you doing, Pearl? He's just a kid.

May. 31st, 2011


Vodka ?

not my friend

May. 29th, 2011


Okay...so the beach party soon, right guys? I think I can control myself enough to be around everybody now. So....what do you say to Memorial Day? Beach party? Everyone is welcome!

Edit: I've decided to move the beach party to Tuesday. It will be too crowded on Monday with everyone and their mother at the beach. So...Tuesday, everyone!

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