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Jun. 19th, 2011


[Filtered; All Damons]

Happy Birthday, Brother(s).

Jun. 18th, 2011


My wife is totally mean. She forgot my birthday. I'm going to go sulk on the bed with the cake that another Elena sent me.

Jun. 17th, 2011


How could you do that to me? If you look like Damon Salvatore, stay away from me.

Jun. 16th, 2011


Honeymoons are awesome. Elena is still asleep from all of last night's excitement. She's just so beautiful to watch. I think she's even more beautiful now that I see her through human eyes. The way her chest rises and falls in her sleep, the cute way she turns around and hugs the pillow closer to her.

I've never been more in love than I am at this moment.

Jun. 15th, 2011


Help! Help! I'm being abused by my spouse!


Elena and I are officially married!

I love you, Mrs. Salvatore.


Damon? Damon she said she let you go. Where are you? Why won't you come home to us?

Bonnie, lift the seal. She won't hurt us now. This has gone on long enough. Lift. The. Seal.




I thgought its was real thistime.


Love is a fuckming LIE!

Damon was rite. Only count of yourself. Noe one else givea shit.

Jun. 14th, 2011


Text to [info]torn_between

>>Hey babe.
>>Not getting cold feet are you?
>>You gonna run away and ditch me at the alter?

Jun. 13th, 2011


[filtered away from the evil crowd]

I thought that it's now time to make the official wedding invitation to everyone who would like to come. Please, even if we don't know you, it'd be an honor to have you at the ceremony and reception, helping us celebrate! :)

I'll be marrying the wonderful Mr. Damon Salvatore on the 15th (that's this coming Wednesday) on the beach at [location] at 9:30 that night. The reception that will follow will also be nearby on the beach. There will be an assortment of food, liquor, and of course, the cake!

Thank you.

Jun. 12th, 2011


Filtered from Stefan [info]foundlovestory

I don't know what to do.

Filtered to Cas [info]cluelesscas

You're the one who turned Damon human, right? I feel really weird asking you this, but I need an impartial opinion.

My boyfriend has asked me to marry him, with the condition that we become human. The thing is, it's been so long since I've been human that I don't really know how to be one anymore. I love him and I would do just about anything for him, but I'm not quite sure what to do about this one.

Filtered to Damon [info]ilovepickles

Was it worth it?

Jun. 11th, 2011


[filtered; all Salvatore brothers]

Are you all well lately? Anything you would like to talk about?


How are you feeling today, darling? Did you take your medicine? You're going to drive your fiancee crazy before the wedding if you're not careful.

Jun. 10th, 2011


Too bad I can't tan, the beach here is great. And that whole... blood donor service is pretty sweet. My new fave spot in town. Better than checking this thing all the time. All these cute and fuzzy pictures make me hungry.


I went shopping with Elena the other day. It actually wasn't horrible. Do I get points for being nice to her, Stefan?

I woke up this morning and all four of my kittens were cuddled together at the end of the bed. It was actually kinda cute, you know for people who appreciate cute stuff. Cause I kinda do now.


[filtered; friends + family]

Damon looks absolutely miserable--and not in the "I'm drunk and upset" way. More like "I feel like crap and I can't move out of bed--get me more tissues. By the way, this cold medicine tastes like shit". I guess his body just has to adjust to things.

Poor ex-vampire.

[filtered; [info]cluelesscas]

Hi, I'm Elena, the fiancee of Damon Salvatore, the one you turned human a couple of days ago. I was just wondering out of curiosity and how he's currently sick with a cold if his body has to...adjust to things like modern disease. I don't want him getting sick over and over and over again and being completely miserable.

Jun. 9th, 2011



So.....I'm human now.


Alright, what the hell is this shit?

Did you fucking roofie me, Kat? Put something in that little cure? I was dying, inappropriate, woman

Jun. 8th, 2011


Private to Damon; [info]ilovepickles

Hey dude. I am pumped about your wedding! What do you need me to do? Make sure you don't try to skip town?

Private to Damon and Elena; [info]ilovepickles & [info]torn_between... also to include Elena [info]elenathegilbert
Also, I was wondering - could you help me with Caroline? I need some advice on what to do next. She wanted space, I gave her space. But it's been over a month. She likes the puppy I got her, at least...


Filtered to ALL GOOD TVD Characters

I gave it all up. I gave up being a vampire. For good. Just so Elena would never have to choose. Just so our baby or babies would never have to choose. So we would never have to watch them grow old and die.

Guess I'm not so selfish after all, am I?

But this is where I humbly request to ask the rest of you to keep an eye on us. I cant protect her like I once did.



Text to [info]torn_between

>>You know how Bonnie and Damon made a deal with the Angel?
>>I did too.
>>You'll never have to worry about changing, Elena.
>>I changed. For you.
>>We can have a baby. We can grow old together.
>>We will never have to make our children decide.

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