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Mar. 20th, 2009


The theory of relativity means you don't kill your relatives.

Who: Ribbon OT Shy & Fischer (if someone wants to pop him in)
When: 2 am on March 20
Where: Shy's room in Fischer's compound
What: Ribbon is starting to feel better.

Well is a relative term. Right along with sane. )
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Mar. 8th, 2009


Who: Shy OT Ribbon
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Shy's new room, Fischer's Compound
What: Shy is separated from Ribbon and back at work
Erase the sinner's blood )
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Mar. 3rd, 2009


Who: Ribbon OT Shy
When: Night, March 3
Where: In the Medical Facilities
What: Ribbon woke up and goes looking for her little brother.

Everything has to be all right before we go to sleep )
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Mar. 1st, 2009


I'd ask you to help me, if I only understood that something was wrong.

Who: Ribbon OT Shy
Where: The edge of the Forest near White
When: Early Evening March 1
What: Ribbon hasn't quite realized that she's sick, but she's making an attempt to make contact.

Would it be possible for a creature with advanced hearing to hear their brain sizzling inside their skull? )
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Feb. 27th, 2009


Lost Little Girl....No One is Coming for You

Who: Ribbon
When: Nearly Morning, Feb 27
Where: Out in the Forest where none are free to go.
What: A snapshot of where she's been and what she's been up to.


Jan. 31st, 2009


Please make sure we get tomorrow

Who: Shy, Ribbon NPC'd, Fisher remotely
When: Sunday, January 25th, 11PM [reposted/backdated because I suck]
Where: Island near the beach/Shy's room
What: Shy witnesses a break by one of the few people he cares about
Notes: Di, let me know if anything needs to be changed

I demand a better future Or I might just stop needing you )

Jan. 22nd, 2009


Sick, sick, sick.

Who: Ribbon
Where: Ribbon's Room
When: Evening Jan 22nd
What: Ribbon's sick, she doesn't do sick very well.
OOC: Just something tiny to establish what she's been doing.

Shy had looked in on her a few days ago and Fischer had been extremely busy. Ribbon in the meantime had caught a cold. Her chest hurt, her ears were popping, and she was hiding under the bed refusing to have anything to do with the outside world. Her food was being picked at and then left where her plate was generally collected from. If someone was paying attention to how much she was eating, they would notice that she had slowed down on consuming calories, a bad thing considering that her metabolism was high enough that even the regular 2,000 calorie diet was too few calories for her to survive on.

No one went into her room without her permission and she wasn't in the mood to allow anyone into her private space. Not when her temperature was up, her head felt oddly heavy, and her chest was so tight that she wanted to pull her ribs loose in order to get some relief.

Blowing her nose again, she curled up tighter. No, she was not coming out to play and she didn't care how mad other people got about it.

Jan. 9th, 2009


Why should I care? I'm a winner right here

Who: Shy, Ribbon
When: Early Friday morning, nearing the 5AM mark
Where: Nearing White Block
What: Shy has finished his shift and is headed home would never guess the boy considered himself a god. )
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Jan. 1st, 2009


Feed the Monster

Who: Ribbon [Open to Reactions only!]
When: January 1st, Evening
Where: One of the Arenas
What: Six against one. Hardly fair for the six, is it?

To be fair, the number would have needed to be higher )

Dec. 26th, 2008


Face Down

Who: Fischer OT Ribbon and anyone else who wants part of it
When: Midday Christmas [Backdated]
Where: The Amusement Park
What: The child gets punished while the parent had a fit

Welcomed in to the courts of the king, I am ushered in to your presence. )

Dec. 25th, 2008


Daddy's Biggest Christmas Present [Completed]

Who: Ribbon
When: Christmas Eve/Christmas Morning
Where: The Amusement Park Roller Coaster
What: Ribbon decides to act out a little bit. Here

Even the good children occasionally act out. )

Dec. 15th, 2008


Entertaining a Killer [complete]

Who: Ribbon
When: Late Evening, December 15th
Where: Black Block Training Area
What: Entertaining a killer who is waiting for a real fight.

Entertaining a killer )

Dec. 5th, 2008


Hyperactivity is sometimes a problem. [Completed]

Who: Ribbon OT Fischer
Where: Ribbon's Room in Fischer's private compound (travels)
When: Evening December 5th
What: Ribbon's being hyper.

Ribbon was awake. It wasn't a fight night, but she was awake and bored. It showed in the agitation her body exhibited, the constant shiver that ran through her limbs and down to the ends of her ribbons. Like a hyperactive cat, she was hopping from one piece of furniture to another, moving things randomly and then either moving them more or putting them back where they had come from. This particular behavior wasn't exactly unusual. There was a reason why the furniture in this room was cheap.

Not cheap as in light and easy to break )

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