July 4th, 2009

[info]abloodymess in [info]athinblackline

Who: Gambit, Damphyr
When: Sat
Where: Dirt Arena
What: Damphyr vs. Gambit
Waiting to see who would come out was the hardest part. )

[info]quick_silver in [info]athinblackline

Who: Deadpool & Quicksilver
When: July 4th
Where: Sand Arena
What: Tournament, Round 1
Warnings: Language, Violence

Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change. )

[info]notsoshy in [info]athinblackline

Violet versus Python: The Toll of Terror

Who: Violet versus Python (NPC)
When: JULY 4th Tournament; Round 3
Where: The Asphalt Arena
What: Violet takes on Python and loses, but she gets a little of her own back.

Sometimes, you just really want to throw in the towel, but the towel won't LET GO )