May 9th, 2009

[info]feral_at_heart in [info]athinblackline

Who: Wild Child and Grizzly (NPC), OTR
When: Saturday, May 9th, 7PM
Where: Grass Arena
What: Gibney faces off against an exceptionally violet opponent, making a regular match turn deadly.
Warnings: Mild language, blood and a bit of gore.
I was a hand grenade That never stopped exploding )

[info]_mastermind_ in [info]athinblackline

Who: Mastermind & Kyle OTA
When: Following the fight.
Where: Revolve Grounds between the Blocks and the Bar; under a big tent.
What: Party thrown on the gorunds of Revolve so that all people can attend, Mutants and Owners alike.
Notes: Guards will be everywhere to protect the situation, though Jason intends for it to be as safe as possible. No fighting is more than a suggestion.
Warnings: N/A
Under Construction; still. Sorry, guys~ )

[info]notsoshy in [info]athinblackline

Who: Violet & Ethan (NPC) OT Shy
When: Late Night Saturday
Where: Ethan's Lab
What: Ethan finally steps across the last line and Violet makes him pay for it with his life.

The pain of the heart is always so much worse than the pain of the body. )
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