March 25th, 2009

[info]feral_at_heart in [info]athinblackline

All the blood wisely shed

Who: Wild Child, Illusion
When: Wednesday, around 5 PM
Where: Near Red/Green Blocks
What: Gibs is killing time
For years I've seen you fighting Against your heart Living like you're dying )

[info]daughter_shade in [info]athinblackline

Who: Ribbon [narrative]
When: March 23rd Evening [backdated]
Where: Red Block
What: Ribbon is moved to Red Block as part of her punishment.

There are some things you don't ever want to see in the light, but meeting them in the dark is all the worse. )

[info]derek_baig in [info]athinblackline

Who: Ginny, Derek, Gibs and Mastermind
When: March 25th, evening
Where: Arena area and thereabouts
What: Messing with a couple of heads

Duuuurrrr )