March 23rd, 2009

[info]notsoshy in [info]athinblackline

After the party, there's the after-party.

Who: Violet OT Ryan Knight
Where: Knight's Hotel Room
When: Saturday March 21 After the Party
What: Ethan brings Violet to Knight as they previously arranged so that he can claim his 'due'.
Rating: NWS! Explicit sex.

The Afterparty )

[info]ebonempress in [info]athinblackline

This should not be happening...

Who: Mia OT Green Block
When: Lunchtime March 23rd
Where: The Green Block cafeteria
What: Mia freaks out and brings the jungle to the Green Block cafeteria.

What forest? What trees? This is a cafeteria )

[info]dust_ in [info]athinblackline

Who: Dust OT Gambit, Anole
When: March 23
Where: The Sand Arena
What: Dust fights a Blue Block mutant who apparently has dreams of glory and fame and feels very bad for having to stand in his way.

The floor of the arena was sand, and she couldn't help but think that was fitting. )