March 1st, 2009

[info]theatriclizard in [info]athinblackline

Fill your heart with love today

Who: Anole, OTA
When: Sunday, 7PM
Where: Coffee Shop
What: Anole is killing time at work.
Don't play the game of time Things that happened in the past Only happened in your Mind )

[info]blackline_npc in [info]athinblackline

Who: Karl Gleeson & Violet
When: Sunday, 2PM
Where: Karl's office, Blue Block
What: Violet finds out she gets to fight, like it or not.
Don't turn your nose up, Well, you can if you need to, you won't be the first or the last. )

[info]daughter_shade in [info]athinblackline

I'd ask you to help me, if I only understood that something was wrong.

Who: Ribbon OT Shy
Where: The edge of the Forest near White
When: Early Evening March 1
What: Ribbon hasn't quite realized that she's sick, but she's making an attempt to make contact.

Would it be possible for a creature with advanced hearing to hear their brain sizzling inside their skull? )
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