February 24th, 2009

[info]desiree_extacy_ in [info]athinblackline

Who: Extacy OTA Synthesis
When: Wed Feb 25th 1:00am
Where: Aidrian's room; Green block
What: Midnight rendezvous
Notes: Eventually sexual and likely NWS

The day had been long and while it wasn't difficult, Brynn always felt like it was crushing down on her with nothing to do. Her job started up again soon, so damnably soon, and her fear had been getting the best of her. After her last run out of her room, she had been scared enough to get back into it and stay there. Mason had been wonderful to her in the long run, but she hadn't come back with a feeling of security. Vic had even stopped by and that had helped, but it was a balm to the wound. It helped, just didn't completely heal. She needed someone to take away the pain of it all, to help replace the memories of the violence with something much softer. She had no idea how or what, and still didn't know as she crossed the threshold to the Green Block, but what she did know was that she needed to see the person who had been there with her when it had happened. Aidrian was one of the closet friends she had here on the island. They had known each other far too long to not be, and if anyone could help her answer the problem she was facing it would be him.

“Of one thing I am certain, the body is not the measure of healing - peace is the measure” ~ George Melton )