December 17th, 2008

[info]voiceofraison in [info]athinblackline

Some Things Remain True [Completed]

Who: Gambit & Rogue
Where: Just outside of the Blue Block dorms
When: Morning, December 17, after he receives notification of his opponent.
What: Remy has decided that he'd rather not use his abilities to their greatest extent, as if that will somehow help in this situation, and afterwards decides to go have a smoke.

Pyro. Pyro. Pyro. Gambit was racking his brain trying to figure out who this Pyro person was. Not that it mattered really if he knew who that was. After all, they were going into the arena against each other, not to kill one another, but to put on a good show. Yet he still looked at the notification he'd received and felt a little pit in his stomach.

Time to put up or shut up... )

[info]feral_at_heart in [info]athinblackline

Who: Wild Child, Mia, Genesis, Fisher
When: Wednesday December 17, late afternoon
Where: Just inside the park
What: Wild Child has been sent out for some exercise and is, as usual, being difficult.

I think that I'm losing my mind So, release me now )