December 5th, 2008

[info]daughter_shade in [info]athinblackline

Hyperactivity is sometimes a problem. [Completed]

Who: Ribbon OT Fischer
Where: Ribbon's Room in Fischer's private compound (travels)
When: Evening December 5th
What: Ribbon's being hyper.

Ribbon was awake. It wasn't a fight night, but she was awake and bored. It showed in the agitation her body exhibited, the constant shiver that ran through her limbs and down to the ends of her ribbons. Like a hyperactive cat, she was hopping from one piece of furniture to another, moving things randomly and then either moving them more or putting them back where they had come from. This particular behavior wasn't exactly unusual. There was a reason why the furniture in this room was cheap.

Not cheap as in light and easy to break )

[info]voiceofraison in [info]athinblackline

A Walk in the Park [Completed]

Who: Remy Lebeau OT Alexandra Tyler
Where: The Amusement Park
When: Afternoon December 5th
What: Remy's trying to make sense of what is going on.

Remy was perched on a railing, legs tucked under him, watching the traffic of those in the amusement park move around him. He was going to end up putting on a show again in a few minutes, but for the moment, he was sitting there doing nothing but watching people move around him. It was easy to let himself forget that this was a place that could only have come from the mind of someone demented, an entire amusement park created solely for the denigration of a subspecies. Not that he thought about it in those terms. He was thinking about how crazy the whole thing seemed when paired with the fact that only yards from the edge of the park was the opening to one of the arenas. One of the many pits where people went to die or worse, went to fight, nearly die, and then have to get up to do it all again.

One of these days, that was going to happen to him. He'd been processed, but so far, he hadn't been tested. They didn't know what he could do and he certainly wasn't in any hurry to make them pay attention to him and figure that out. Remy hadn't been the type to really use his powers on the outside (strange how prison metaphors made so much sense here), so there was almost nothing known about what exactly he could do. Undoubtedly, that would eventually translate into someone throwing him into a fight and expecting him to get out of it alive.

Not that he had any real problem with the idea of getting out alive. Remy could usually manage anything that he put his mind to. Either way, he sat on the rail at an amusement park that was somewhere that it shouldn't be and watched what was going on.