Asylum Promotion
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IJ Asylum Promotion Info
This asylum is dedicated to asylum promotion. It is important to list your asylum, tell a little about it, and a link is always nice. Happy searching and posting!

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May 2024
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Agent Fox Mulder [userpic]
Fanfic: Your Favorite Characters, Your Favorite Fantasies.

Looking for a place to post your fanfic? Need ideas for a fanfic? Have an idea for a fanfic that you want to share? Know of a fanfic you're just bursting to rec to the whole wide world?

[info]multi_fiction is the place to do that and more. We are a Multiple Fandom Fanfiction Asylum. We accept any fandom, any pairing. There are a few general rules about content, but nothing that isn't already in the Geneva Conventions (except those pesky torture rules, but come on, what's a story without something to angst about?


Like something a little more specific, we have 3 asylums that will knock your socks off:

[info]heroes_fiction - Love NBC's Heroes? Used to? Want to? Well come on over and share your fanfic, fanart, vids, or just plain old fanish self.

[info]sanctuaryforall - Sanctuary started out as a web series. It became a quick favorite and we want you to share that love. Come on, join the Sanctuary.

[info]startrek_redux - Like all things over forty these days, Star Trek got a face lift. Younger, crazier, more explosive than the original, it still has something that made us love it in the first place. Fic, Fanart, Fiction, Spoilers, we want it all!


Interested in something a little more...rigid?

[info]t_31_bang As a 5000 word mini-big bang, we like them big, but we're not size queens. Now in the middle of our 12th round, we are happy to take all you can give. Prompt submissions for the next round start Sunday. If you have a fanfic idea you want to see written, come on over and give it to us. We like it when you tell us what to do.

[info]alikelyscenario We provide you with the scenario and 5 prompts, you give us 5 fics in return based on those. It's a mutually satisfying arrangement.