Asylum Promotion
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IJ Asylum Promotion Info
This asylum is dedicated to asylum promotion. It is important to list your asylum, tell a little about it, and a link is always nice. Happy searching and posting!

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May 2024
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immortalje [userpic]
various asylums

[info]dw_fest is a challenge community, inspired by slashfest @ LJ with the difference that this fest is limited to Doctor Who, Torchwood and the Sarah Jane Adventures (and any other show/movie/etc related to them)
- For questions, check out this post
- Rules can be found here

A new round is starting soon!!

[info]dailyicons is a multifandom icontest. Every challenge will be centered around a different TV Show.
The fourth challenge is for the SGA episode "Echoes". Entries are due on 17 October (Friday) after an extension due to a lack of entries so far. To enter go here.

[info]10prompts is a challenge community for fic writers. Right now there are 10 tables (10 prompts each) to pick from. All fandoms as well as slash, het and gen are welcome. All questions can be asked in the rules post.

[info]harry_slash is for stories, art and anything else that features Harry Potter in a slash pairing. It's open for any rating and pairing (as long as it features Harry and is slash of course ;) ). Any questions left? Ask here.

[info]stargate_xover is a place where you can post anything that's a crossover with either of the Stargate series. Any rating and any pairing is welcome. Questions can be asked here.

[info]dw_threesomes is for any and all threesomes for Doctor Who, Torchwood and the Sara Jane Adventures. Comment here for questions.

[info]fandom_caps is an asylum where you can post and/or request screencaps for any TV show, movie, you love. We're open to all fandoms! Go here for the rules, questions and more.

[info]icon_help is a place to share tips about making icons, post tutorials and questions. You're also welcome to share locations(!) of resources such as screencaps, brushes and textures you like to use.

location: work
Feeling : busy busy