Asylum Promotion
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IJ Asylum Promotion Info
This asylum is dedicated to asylum promotion. It is important to list your asylum, tell a little about it, and a link is always nice. Happy searching and posting!

Find the right asylum for you!

May 2024
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Bridget [userpic]


[info]addme_index is a listing for friending asylums on insanejournal. Want your asylum to be added? Read the asylum info and post a comment here. Looking for a friending asylum? Browse the index. Memebership is open.


Don't have as many friends on insanejournal as you'd like? Want to find friends with interests similar to yours? If so, then you should go to [info]friend_me. [info]friend_me is an asylum devoted solely to friending memes of all types--fandom and non-fandom.

Memes are organized by the tags. You can also browse the memories for memes. Membership and posting are open. So, join up and start making memes and friends!


[info]wild_card is a mult-fandom challenge asylum where anything goes. Any challenge you want to post in any fandom. Challenges will be organized by fandom and user (as in the user who issued the challenge) in both the tags and a masterlist of masterlists. You can also browse for both challenges and masterlists via the memories. Fic and art/graphics challenges are welcome. Membership and posting are open.


[info]ot3_claims is exactly what it sounds like: a place to claim your OT3s. Anyone can make up to three (3) claims. Claims are listed in the asylum info and entries are tagged by fandom (tags). Membership and posting are open.


Like Harry/Ginny? Ron/Hermione? Remus/Tonks? Bill/Fleur? Totally adore canon in Harry Potter? If so, then [info]socanon_hp is for you. Join us and come appreciate canon with us. Fic and art/graphics are welcome. Membership and posting are open.


Harry Potter fans...Are you a fan of Ginny Weasley? If so, then [info]ginny_love is the place for you. [info]ginny_love is an asylum dedicated to all things Ginny Weasley. Fic and art/graphics are welcome. Membership and posting are open.


Bleach fans, love Ichigo/Orihime? Then [info]5lifetimes_love is where you should be. [info]5lifetimes_love is an asylum devoted to the relationship between Kurosaki Ichigo and Inoue Orihime. Fic and art/graphics are welcome. Membership and posting are open.


Are you a fan of the tv series Roswell and/or Melinda Metz's book series Roswell High? Then [info]roswellians is for you. [info]roswellians is an asylum devoted to all things Roswell and Roswell High. Fic and art/graphics are welcome. Membership and posting are open.


Ladies...Are you short? Tired of having to have all your pants and jeans hemmed to fit you? Ever have nickname about how short you are? Are you 5'4" or shorter? Then [info]shortness is for you. Come, commiserate, enjoy yourself. Membership and posting are open.