Posts Tagged: 'hestia+jones'

Nov. 30th, 2015



[No Subject]

That was an excellent dinner for us who live here now. I am glad to have been able to share in it. It is unfortunate that my son or old friend was not present.. however, I know they are doing well back home. I am happy to have made new friends in my time here. And now I will look forward to and will help assist in the Christmas festivities as well.

I have been caring for a bird as a.. side project, of my work at the vet. Injured wing. It is done on my time off from work. But I believe the bird will fly again soon. I have noticed one other thing about the clinic. There was a man who worked there named Scott. He has not been at the site for some time. I do not sense his presence in the shop anymore, which is odd since everyone usually leaves behind a trace of energy in places they go Those who know him, have you seen him? Is he alright? There is a chance he might have returned hom but I am not fully certain. I could offer to help in a search if needed.

Nov. 29th, 2015



[No Subject]

I'll admit I don't really get the whole Thanksgiving holiday, but Christmas rings vaguely familiar for me. Seems a lot like Life Day, which is something I can get behind.

Nov. 27th, 2015



[No Subject]

If I said, Hogwarts what would people think?