Posts Tagged: 'claire+bennet'

Nov. 29th, 2015



[No Subject]

Song writing and cranky babies really do not go well together.

Nov. 27th, 2015



[No Subject]

And I thought working delivery at a Chinese place the day after Thanksgiving would be easy! Why aren't you people eating leftovers??

Nov. 22nd, 2015



[No Subject]

Who: Sammi Petrelli & Claire Bennet
What: Meeting for the first time
Where: Bakery
When: A couple of weeks after Claire arrives
Rating: Low?
Status: Incomplete

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Nov. 14th, 2015



[No Subject]

Who: Caroline and Claire
What: random meetup
When: Saturday morning
Where: coffee shop
Rating: PG

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Nov. 12th, 2015



[No Subject]

I saw the campus. I like it. I think I'm going to start in January, finish up my freshman year. Guess I might as well do something while I'm stuck here.

Nov. 7th, 2015



[No Subject]

Is there anyone who would want to check out the college campus with me on Monday?

Nov. 6th, 2015



[No Subject]

Hi! I'm Sammi Petrelli - Samantha but I only get that when I'm in trouble - and I thought I should probably officially introduce myself since I've been commenting a lot of you already. My parents - Kathryn and Nathan - are refugees like most of you guys but my twin sister Serena (don't worry we aren't identical!) and I were born here in Area 53. Never left it in our lives. It's not that bad. Really guys, trust me on this.

So me. I'm 17, I'm a student at the high school and work as a shelver at the local library. I also teach drawing classes at the art shop during the holidays. While mum didn't get her families artistic skills seems that I did though as you guys have probably seen if you want a photo done, go to Aria. She's brilliant.

When I finish school I plan to go to the College here to do Fine Arts & Education as I want to become an art teacher at either the Childcare Centre or one of the schools, I love children as well.

Nov. 5th, 2015



[No Subject]

Right, so I've been trying to figure this out and really am still completely lost. More people keep showing up and I can't figure any of this history out and it's really starting to hurt my head especially since I'm not coming up with any answers that make any since and since I still have no idea how to get back home.

I haven't really slept in like...four days so I think my mind's a little flaky sorry.

Nov. 4th, 2015



[No Subject]

Well, this is different and I did say I needed a new start.



[No Subject]

Hey. I'm Scott, and I'm new here and pretty confused. I'm a senior in high school so I guess I should find out if there is one and how to register.



[No Subject]

Whilst I might not be a stranger to magical travel between realms. I am a stranger to arriving somewhere without a large group of people. An entire town, in fact.

Still, at least there's a welcoming committee. It's a nice touch.

They said this was the place to go in case there's someone I might know?



[No Subject]

Welcome to Area 53. I have noticed there's been a number of new arrivals here over the past few days.

For those who don't know me I'm Jenny Smithsonian and I'm the 'Mayor' of this town.

A few things for you to know if you haven't already been informed of it.

1. Unfortunately there's no way for you to leave. Our scientists are working on it. They have been for the past fifty years or there abouts. Unfortunatley nothing is known about how you arrive.

2. In terms of leaving some people do but as above we don't know how.

3. It is recommended that you try and make a life for yourself here. There's people who have been here (besides me) since we first opened in 1963. Many of the older refugees have settled and started families of their own

4. We should have everything you would need here. If you aren't sure where something is we are happy to help you find it. We have schools, a college that offers number of courses and various places of employment. We also have a park, community centre (where the Halloween party was held), a local pool, movie theathre, bar etc.

5. Magic is real. People have come here from worlds where magic exists. Yes, this might confuse some of you but it is true. Powers vary from people who need a wand, people who can shape shift and people who can fly.

6. If you need any assistance at all please come and talk to me either here or one of the staff at the Government building.

Nov. 3rd, 2015



[No Subject]

who: Bellamy Blake and Claire Bennet
what: Claire is showing Bellamy her ability
when: After this conversation
where: Wherever they meet up
rating: TBD

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[No Subject]

Out of everything that needed to happen right now... this was definitely not on the list. I can't just stay here.

Nov. 1st, 2015



[No Subject]

Another place that isn't home.

This is testing my powers of adaptation.



[No Subject]

I don't really know what this is about, but I'd like to go home. Was this because I