Nov. 11th, 2015



[No Subject]

Okay, I got the spiel upon arriving of what has supposedly happened but is it actually true? Just, it was nowhere near the year 2015 and I've just started my fifth year at school and I had my prefect duties and Quidditch Practice... I don't have time to be kidnapped like this.

Nov. 7th, 2015



[No Subject]

So I see there are quite a lot of new faces, and perhaps I should just introduce myself to save the trouble. My name's Ianto Jones and you'll find me at the Public Library. If you didn't know about it, now you do. Feel free to stop by, but do be careful with the books? It's been enough of a hassle getting things actually organized.

Also if you have anything that is overdue, please bring it in some time this week. We're missing a few texts and, unfortunately, whoever was manning the records in this place didn't keep quite as good a track as to who checked out what book and when as I'd like.

Oh, and don't touch the coffee machine in the back room. If you break it, you won't like the consequences. Not that anyone but staff is aloud back there anyway, but that does go doubly for fellow staff.

You won't like what I do to your coffee.

Oh, before I forget. Marius: left overs or takeout? Just so I can be certain what to expect in the fridge.



[No Subject]

Ugh. I hate school. Why do I have to attend this thing at all, ever? It's so boring. Momma stopped sending me to school ages ago.


Maybe I'll just sneak out of class on Monday....

Can we just do away with school? I'd love that. Then I can play all day long and do whatever I want! Whose with me?



[No Subject]

Is there anyone who would want to check out the college campus with me on Monday?



[No Subject]

Does anyone know if there is a law firm here that's hiring? I'm asking for Matt.

Nov. 6th, 2015



[No Subject]


I...don't know if you saw but Allison just arrived.

I'm - look, I'm going to meet her. Don't worry about waiting up.

[Edited Later]

On the other you think maybe you could?



[No Subject]

I am just not made for this climate. This will take some getting used to.



[No Subject]

What the hell is this supposed to be?



[No Subject]

Well Kriff. You know, I was actually happy to get home after my stint in New York. I wasn't expecting to end up back on Earth which is a whole different galaxy to where I'm from. Still, this reminds me an awful lot of Tatooine.



[No Subject]

I see that there's been a few arrivals lately. I'm Peggy Carter, I've been here for three years and am originally am from 1946 America (born in England though). I teach Martial Arts at the Gym here.



[No Subject]

Hi! I'm Sammi Petrelli - Samantha but I only get that when I'm in trouble - and I thought I should probably officially introduce myself since I've been commenting a lot of you already. My parents - Kathryn and Nathan - are refugees like most of you guys but my twin sister Serena (don't worry we aren't identical!) and I were born here in Area 53. Never left it in our lives. It's not that bad. Really guys, trust me on this.

So me. I'm 17, I'm a student at the high school and work as a shelver at the local library. I also teach drawing classes at the art shop during the holidays. While mum didn't get her families artistic skills seems that I did though as you guys have probably seen if you want a photo done, go to Aria. She's brilliant.

When I finish school I plan to go to the College here to do Fine Arts & Education as I want to become an art teacher at either the Childcare Centre or one of the schools, I love children as well.

Nov. 5th, 2015



[No Subject]

This is some fucking bullshit.



[No Subject]


I haven't laughed like that in a very long time.



[No Subject]

Right, so I've been trying to figure this out and really am still completely lost. More people keep showing up and I can't figure any of this history out and it's really starting to hurt my head especially since I'm not coming up with any answers that make any since and since I still have no idea how to get back home.

I haven't really slept in like...four days so I think my mind's a little flaky sorry.

Nov. 4th, 2015



[No Subject]

I'm only going to ask this once, and only once and I expect a positive answer.

Where is Clara Oswald?



[No Subject]

Who's going to tell me what the hell is going on here?



[No Subject]

Who: Malia Tate and Stiles Stilinski
What: Malia's arrival
Where: In town
When: Evening
Warnings: Mentions of canon character death
Status: Complete gdoc

She flicked her claws out, eyes flashing blue, as she looked around for whoever was responsible )



[No Subject]

I just wanted to pop on this thing to welcome the newcomers. I'm Siri Tachi, a detective here. Before that though, I came from somewhere else. Just like you.

So feel free to give a shout if you need someone to talk to. Believe me, I totally understand being somewhere strange. I get the foreign accents, the culture shock, the tech that doesn't make sense, the magic. I get it. I came from a completely different galaxy, a million, billion light years away. Literally.

Please, understand you're not alone and I am definitely here to help.



[No Subject]

Well, this is different and I did say I needed a new start.



[No Subject]

Okay, I understand that you don't know how people come and go, but I really have to find a way back to Hawaii. My guardian will freak out if I'm missing and I don't want to make him worry like that.