November 6th, 2015



[No Subject]

I am just not made for this climate. This will take some getting used to.



[No Subject]

What the hell is this supposed to be?



[No Subject]


I...don't know if you saw but Allison just arrived.

I'm - look, I'm going to meet her. Don't worry about waiting up.

[Edited Later]

On the other you think maybe you could?



[No Subject]

Hi! I'm Sammi Petrelli - Samantha but I only get that when I'm in trouble - and I thought I should probably officially introduce myself since I've been commenting a lot of you already. My parents - Kathryn and Nathan - are refugees like most of you guys but my twin sister Serena (don't worry we aren't identical!) and I were born here in Area 53. Never left it in our lives. It's not that bad. Really guys, trust me on this.

So me. I'm 17, I'm a student at the high school and work as a shelver at the local library. I also teach drawing classes at the art shop during the holidays. While mum didn't get her families artistic skills seems that I did though as you guys have probably seen if you want a photo done, go to Aria. She's brilliant.

When I finish school I plan to go to the College here to do Fine Arts & Education as I want to become an art teacher at either the Childcare Centre or one of the schools, I love children as well.



[No Subject]

I see that there's been a few arrivals lately. I'm Peggy Carter, I've been here for three years and am originally am from 1946 America (born in England though). I teach Martial Arts at the Gym here.



[No Subject]

Well Kriff. You know, I was actually happy to get home after my stint in New York. I wasn't expecting to end up back on Earth which is a whole different galaxy to where I'm from. Still, this reminds me an awful lot of Tatooine.