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Jan. 24th, 2011


When he wakes up, next to his bed Dean will find a made-from-scratch cherry pie and a note:

Happy Birthday.


Jan. 11th, 2011


Good-Guy Filter

So, all this sitting around and free food and booze is great and all, but when do we get to shoot some bad guys in the face? I'm going crazy over here, I

Jan. 9th, 2011


This isn't Tanelorn, and I don't take wrong turns.

Would anyone like to cut a girl a break and point me towards the next Gateway? I really don't have time to play through another Dream right now.

This has to be a Dream, doesn't it? I can't really have strayed onto

Dec. 4th, 2010


fuck. think i broe my hsnd.


if were gona fiht wemight aas well gett onwith itthen,.

whers somethingg to killl/./?

Edited in later:

heyyy mikl, casis actng drukn an he sadd he didn drinkk thigs. nottsure wy itsa problme but apaparntly is.

[ooc: Dean is drunk again. And pretty much going from woe, let me shoot myself to hey, I should just go die in battle, as far as sentiments go. Good times.]

Nov. 28th, 2010


Filtered to Cosmos

I think we've all been getting distracted lately.

We're here for a reason. We all know what that is. It doesn't matter where we live, who speaks to us or how.

I mean, this place doesn't mess with us when we're fighting, only when we're idle right?

What does that tell us?

I mean, yeah we have other needs and we can attend to them but am I the only one who thinks they've been getting too much attention?

I don't wanna be here and I doubt you all do but, if we're gonna be here, may as well make the best of it.

Nov. 26th, 2010


Anyone wants needs looking for me can find me down at the target range. For the next few days


I didn't do anything to it.

Nov. 25th, 2010


sorry I was so drunk last n
Didn't mean to make an idiot out of myself, I just

Anyone else have serious pie-cravings at the stupidest time of night? Friggin' food being off-limits right now sucks.

Nov. 24th, 2010


Isn't this quaint. Just like camp!

Someone needs to entertain me.


thesethings are still hardto focuson evenw withoutt buttons. , likie drunkdidialng or r txte nng or somthning. fff

stupid plac. tobig.

free alxhol s nixe thouuh. liiiiik ethaat.

[ooc: aaand hello everyone, Dean is very drunk!]

Nov. 23rd, 2010


...well damn.

I can't say I mind these new arrangements that much.


Private to Cosmos

So it's not enough being drafted, I have to live like a footsoldier as well? I wish whichever god's mad with me would just step forward and say so...

Could have worse roommates, though, I suppose. Least I'm not stuck with one of the angels

Nov. 19th, 2010


Filtered to Cosmos

Damnit if only I was better at this

I think they're blocking me more than usual...can't get a clear reading on the girl, except that she's alive.

Nov. 16th, 2010


Oi, you lot of useless invalids seen Sabrina the teenage witch? I haven't caught her around all day and not last night either. It's not really like her, from what I've seen. You don't really think she went to find the sender of the last general broadcast all by herself, do you?

I may not trust you, but I trust you a whole lot more than any of the other newbies with a firearm right now That breakfast date will just have to wait. The Dawn kid is missing. The Doctor and I are heading out to find what we can. Are you in?

Nov. 17th, 2010


So, this is some sort of really clever communications device, yeah? Transmits my brainwaves to some sort of receiver in whatever form I choose? Seems a bit too much like a Cybus earpod

Good, cos I wanna talk to the people in charge, I've got questions for them. The very first one being, what did you do with my ship?

Nov. 12th, 2010


Yeah, really not amused.

When I find who ever's behind this...You've got some explaining to do.

I've got somewhere to be.

Nov. 11th, 2010



Listen to me, all of you, particularly our new arrivals:

My name is Anael. I am an angel and a commander in our army. I understand you are afraid and angry, but there is no going back. We are at war and not only are all of our lives' at stake, but the lives of everyone you left in your worlds. Those worlds themselves are in danger. Our enemies want complete destruction and they are very close to succeeding. That is why we require your aid and likely why you have been brought here.

I regret that you share our fate in this Realm; none of us were given a choice. We are all in the same situation. I'm afraid, however, I do not have the time to sacrifice helping you personally adjust. No one here does. Thus, if you are not our ally, you are a liability to us and to our cause. We cannot risk that. Please, put aside your grievances and your reservations. All of us have suffered — here and in the past. It is not an excuse nor does it exempt you from fighting. Again, I apologize, but all of us are here together. We all do our part and unfortunately, the same is expected of you. I cannot make any exceptions.

Nov. 10th, 2010


This is not where I...

Please tell me how to return to where I am needed.

Nov. 9th, 2010


This doesn't look like heaven ...What the hell?

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