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Jan. 14th, 2011


Filtered to

Balthazar )

Anna )

Jan. 12th, 2011



Brother, I wish to be relieved of my responsibilities. I am emotionally compromised and cannot perform my duties as impartially and as efficiently as I have been able to in the past. I am sorry for my weakness. I do not expect you to show mercy, since it is your right as viceroy to stamp out the easily corrupted.

Jan. 8th, 2011


Ain't we got fun?

Dec. 13th, 2010


Cosmos Filter

Now that everyone appears to be functioning normally, I advise we return to our tasks. If you are not assigned something specific, or are unfamiliar with fighting tactics, I would advise taking this time to practice or learn combat skills. Even if you are not a soldier, it would be beneficial for you to be able to defend yourselves, should a situation arise where you are imperiled.


I believe it is far past time we resume our battles, sister. I do not wish to allow the enemy any more time to gain advantages. We should discuss a plan of attack.


Despite being returned to myself, I find myself wishing once again you would rejoin our ranks, brother. Why can I not stop being concerned? Is this how emotions work? They gain a foothold, and they then refuse to leave?

I am unsure the protocol for going to war against one of our own, brother. I do not wish any harm to befall you, but I doubt you will simply abandon your faction on the battlefield to escape your own injury. Tell me what to d

I suppose this message has no point. I simply am uncertain concerned trying to determine the best course of action for all involved. What would you suggest?

Dec. 6th, 2010


Why do you feel nothing? You must realize you are not as you used to be, nor as you should be. Please do not lie to me.

I apologize for having ignored your concerns about Sam in the past. I understand now that Sam is not himself — at least not as any of us remember him. I am attempting to discover the reasons for his strange behavior, but in the meantime, I cannot excuse you for the irresponsibility and lack of consideration you've shown over the past few days. You are not a child and I believe you know better.

edited later:
This may seem an unusual question to ask, but have you ever seen Sam sleep?

Dec. 7th, 2010


Filtered to Anael

Hello sister,

I believe you have taken Sam Winchester as your charge? I am worried for him myself. His nature has changed and the timing of it gives me concern.

Can you tell why he has changed? Is that truly Sam?

Dec. 6th, 2010


[All Angels]

It appears I have been released from whatever was causing the emotional mimicry. Is the case for the rest of you, as well?


I believe your privacy is once again your own. I am feeling no heightened emotional conditions, and my restlessness has faded. I presume this was not your doing, as I did not feel any sense of accomplishment before the cut-off. Am I correct in that assumption?

Dec. 5th, 2010



My wrist... I can't... Michael, it hurts...

Dec. 1st, 2010


Private to Anael and Raphael

Are either of you experiencing any of these changes whatsoever? I do not wish to bother you if you remain unaffected, but I am concerned, and I felt it safest to double-check.

Nov. 26th, 2010



I believe that our newest arrivals — particularly the humans — require responsibilities to focus on other than their personal needs. As soon as is possible. Have we decided yet what our next plan of action against the enemy will be?


I didn't do anything to it.

Nov. 25th, 2010


sorry I was so drunk last n
Didn't mean to make an idiot out of myself, I just

Anyone else have serious pie-cravings at the stupidest time of night? Friggin' food being off-limits right now sucks.

Nov. 24th, 2010


thesethings are still hardto focuson evenw withoutt buttons. , likie drunkdidialng or r txte nng or somthning. fff

stupid plac. tobig.

free alxhol s nixe thouuh. liiiiik ethaat.

[ooc: aaand hello everyone, Dean is very drunk!]


I wish to eat cake.

Nov. 23rd, 2010


...well damn.

I can't say I mind these new arrangements that much.


Well isn't this cute?

Nov. 22nd, 2010


cosmos people


Nov. 19th, 2010


Thank you for your work. It's enough for the others to work with. You've done well.

I also want to apologize for being... distant as of late. Our last brief conversation was rather disorienting for me and difficult to deal with in addition to Castiel's and Dean's personal turmoil. I appreciate your patience and understanding. Thank you for being honest.

I have heard about the girl — Dawn. I am afraid I am unable to help at this time as I am currently preoccupied with other conflicts instigated by Bedlam. Ruby, Sam and two other new arrivals are planning to attempt a rescue. Should a commander accompany them?

Did you know I was a Fallen before?

Nov. 13th, 2010



I've been noticing many holes in my memory with the arrival of the Winchesters. Can you help me?


Just what we always wanted — more of you to play with. It looks like someone thinks you all aren't going to win this with brains, so they're going the win-by-outnumbering route.

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