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Jan. 14th, 2011


This place needs a TV. Or something. I get that this is a war and all, but do we have to live in the Dark Ages to fight it?

Jan. 11th, 2011


[Filtered to Cosmos]


too much...

Jan. 8th, 2011



I am sorry for not having responded to your last message. I must stress that communicating with me is a dangerous matter for you. You should be with your own kind. The angels will take care of you if you are cautious, but they can't promise your safety otherwise. They have many responsibilities and little tolerance for foolish mistakes.

Please take more care in who you speak to.


Ain't we got fun?

Dec. 22nd, 2010


Cecil )

Dec. 7th, 2010


Does anybody else want some pizza?

Dec. 4th, 2010


if were gona fiht wemight aas well gett onwith itthen,.

whers somethingg to killl/./?

Edited in later:

heyyy mikl, casis actng drukn an he sadd he didn drinkk thigs. nottsure wy itsa problme but apaparntly is.

[ooc: Dean is drunk again. And pretty much going from woe, let me shoot myself to hey, I should just go die in battle, as far as sentiments go. Good times.]

Nov. 26th, 2010


I....think I'm glad I was asleep last night.

And I think someone should teach those cooks how to make pizza.

Nov. 25th, 2010


sorry I was so drunk last n
Didn't mean to make an idiot out of myself, I just

Anyone else have serious pie-cravings at the stupidest time of night? Friggin' food being off-limits right now sucks.

Nov. 24th, 2010



I realize this may mean very little, considering who I am, but I am deeply sorry for what you suffered at the hands of my comrades. I did not know they would


I wish to eat cake.

Nov. 23rd, 2010


Private to Cosmos

So it's not enough being drafted, I have to live like a footsoldier as well? I wish whichever god's mad with me would just step forward and say so...

Could have worse roommates, though, I suppose. Least I'm not stuck with one of the angels


Well isn't this cute?

Nov. 22nd, 2010


cosmos people


Nov. 16th, 2010


Oi, you lot of useless invalids seen Sabrina the teenage witch? I haven't caught her around all day and not last night either. It's not really like her, from what I've seen. You don't really think she went to find the sender of the last general broadcast all by herself, do you?

I may not trust you, but I trust you a whole lot more than any of the other newbies with a firearm right now That breakfast date will just have to wait. The Dawn kid is missing. The Doctor and I are heading out to find what we can. Are you in?

Nov. 14th, 2010



[A young girl's voice can be heard on the audio broadcast, her voice a harsh whisper interjected by short, shallow breaths and spikes in the volume of her tone. She is clearly frightened. As she speaks, her words can be heard bouncing off what can only be presumed as surrounding solid surfaces, the echo just loud enough to be noticeable as it is layered just underneath indecipherable chatter in the background and loud, bellowing snuffles. Towards the end of the message, it is obvious the speaker is dissolving into despairing tears.]

Please, please help... is anyone out there?

Oh god, shit! There's so many of them - please! Somebody! I can't get out. They'll kill me... Please... Fucking answer me if you can hear me... oh god...

Nov. 13th, 2010



I've met a few of you already, but to those of you who don't know me, my name is Melinda Gordon. I haven't been here as long as some of our teammates have, but I know my way around the Sanctuary and what places outside of it are usually pretty safe for us. I'm a medium and I have a few different responsibilities. My main role is helping everyone manage their mental health and relationships with their peers.

I know some of the foot-soldiers aren't the friendliest or the most patient, and I'm sorry. They're under a lot of stress lately. Don't take it personal. I promise it's not you — it's just this place and fatigue, for the most part.

Anyway, if any of you ever want to talk, my office/room/whatever is on the same floor as the infirmary. If I'm not there, you can always call me through the arcrysts.


Just what we always wanted — more of you to play with. It looks like someone thinks you all aren't going to win this with brains, so they're going the win-by-outnumbering route.



Nov. 12th, 2010


Yeah, really not amused.

When I find who ever's behind this...You've got some explaining to do.

I've got somewhere to be.

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