Jan. 14th, 2011


Filtered to Balthazar

Hey bro'

Jan. 10th, 2011



Bored. And hungry. Can we do something with the Cosmos brats? I can't be the only one craving less down time. Gabe, even you have to be bored out of your feathery little skull by now.

Dec. 13th, 2010


Cosmos Filter

Now that everyone appears to be functioning normally, I advise we return to our tasks. If you are not assigned something specific, or are unfamiliar with fighting tactics, I would advise taking this time to practice or learn combat skills. Even if you are not a soldier, it would be beneficial for you to be able to defend yourselves, should a situation arise where you are imperiled.


I believe it is far past time we resume our battles, sister. I do not wish to allow the enemy any more time to gain advantages. We should discuss a plan of attack.


Despite being returned to myself, I find myself wishing once again you would rejoin our ranks, brother. Why can I not stop being concerned? Is this how emotions work? They gain a foothold, and they then refuse to leave?

I am unsure the protocol for going to war against one of our own, brother. I do not wish any harm to befall you, but I doubt you will simply abandon your faction on the battlefield to escape your own injury. Tell me what to d

I suppose this message has no point. I simply am uncertain concerned trying to determine the best course of action for all involved. What would you suggest?

Dec. 6th, 2010


I think I hate it here. Almost not a lie this time


[All Angels]

It appears I have been released from whatever was causing the emotional mimicry. Is the case for the rest of you, as well?


I believe your privacy is once again your own. I am feeling no heightened emotional conditions, and my restlessness has faded. I presume this was not your doing, as I did not feel any sense of accomplishment before the cut-off. Am I correct in that assumption?

Nov. 27th, 2010


Private to Michael

Something's very wrong around here and I think it has something to do with Cas' little display.

Nov. 26th, 2010


I didn't do anything to it.

Nov. 24th, 2010


Isn't this quaint. Just like camp!

Someone needs to entertain me.



Feel free to jump in at any time now! I mean, it's not like I mind being the only busy person here, but I can share my playthings every now and then too.


I wish to eat cake.

Nov. 23rd, 2010


Well isn't this cute?