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Dec. 7th, 2010


Does anybody else want some pizza?

Dec. 6th, 2010


Why do you feel nothing? You must realize you are not as you used to be, nor as you should be. Please do not lie to me.

I apologize for having ignored your concerns about Sam in the past. I understand now that Sam is not himself — at least not as any of us remember him. I am attempting to discover the reasons for his strange behavior, but in the meantime, I cannot excuse you for the irresponsibility and lack of consideration you've shown over the past few days. You are not a child and I believe you know better.

edited later:
This may seem an unusual question to ask, but have you ever seen Sam sleep?

Dec. 7th, 2010


Filtered to Anael

Hello sister,

I believe you have taken Sam Winchester as your charge? I am worried for him myself. His nature has changed and the timing of it gives me concern.

Can you tell why he has changed? Is that truly Sam?

Dec. 6th, 2010


Instead of fucking with our heads, I'd be peachy if the gods could spend more time sending us reinforcements. We're not getting any more invincible over here.

P.S. Sam, would one of things you'd rather do to me happen to include convincing one of your angel buddies to fix me a tall glass of Insta-Heal?


I think I hate it here. Almost not a lie this time


[All Angels]

It appears I have been released from whatever was causing the emotional mimicry. Is the case for the rest of you, as well?


I believe your privacy is once again your own. I am feeling no heightened emotional conditions, and my restlessness has faded. I presume this was not your doing, as I did not feel any sense of accomplishment before the cut-off. Am I correct in that assumption?

Dec. 5th, 2010



My wrist... I can't... Michael, it hurts...

Dec. 4th, 2010


fuck. think i broe my hsnd.


if were gona fiht wemight aas well gett onwith itthen,.

whers somethingg to killl/./?

Edited in later:

heyyy mikl, casis actng drukn an he sadd he didn drinkk thigs. nottsure wy itsa problme but apaparntly is.

[ooc: Dean is drunk again. And pretty much going from woe, let me shoot myself to hey, I should just go die in battle, as far as sentiments go. Good times.]

Dec. 1st, 2010


Private to Anael and Raphael

Are either of you experiencing any of these changes whatsoever? I do not wish to bother you if you remain unaffected, but I am concerned, and I felt it safest to double-check.

Nov. 28th, 2010


Filtered to Cosmos

I think we've all been getting distracted lately.

We're here for a reason. We all know what that is. It doesn't matter where we live, who speaks to us or how.

I mean, this place doesn't mess with us when we're fighting, only when we're idle right?

What does that tell us?

I mean, yeah we have other needs and we can attend to them but am I the only one who thinks they've been getting too much attention?

I don't wanna be here and I doubt you all do but, if we're gonna be here, may as well make the best of it.

Nov. 27th, 2010


Private to Michael

Something's very wrong around here and I think it has something to do with Cas' little display.

Nov. 26th, 2010


Anyone wants needs looking for me can find me down at the target range. For the next few days


I....think I'm glad I was asleep last night.

And I think someone should teach those cooks how to make pizza.


I just want it to end. To have had my revenge and fade into sweet oblivion. That is all.



I believe that our newest arrivals — particularly the humans — require responsibilities to focus on other than their personal needs. As soon as is possible. Have we decided yet what our next plan of action against the enemy will be?


I didn't do anything to it.

Nov. 24th, 2010



So... anybody else having more luck trying to get out once the doors come off?

Nov. 25th, 2010


sorry I was so drunk last n
Didn't mean to make an idiot out of myself, I just

Anyone else have serious pie-cravings at the stupidest time of night? Friggin' food being off-limits right now sucks.

Nov. 24th, 2010


Isn't this quaint. Just like camp!

Someone needs to entertain me.

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