InsaneJournal Announcements

Username Purge

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Username Purge

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I didn't want to lump this in with the last post, but we are starting a username purge immediately. This is partially to help with site load as we want to purge unused data from the system. We are also doing it because of the number of requests we have gotten. Keep an eye out for e-mails from us if your account is caught up in this so you can save it.

If you do not un-delete your account within two weeks and it is purged, your data will be gone forever!
  • do you think squeaky should have to keep the useless extra data on his site just because you might want to look at someone elses journal? if they don't use the email account associated with the username and haven't in over a year, i think you can safely assume they don't give a crap. so instead of whining to squeaky when he's trying to improve the site for the active users, why don't you save what you want and get over it?
    • Thanks for your maturely expressed opinion, but I stand by mine. There are plenty of reasons people lose access to email accounts (I've had email addresses deactivated with no way to regain access, nevermind when I've switched ISPs and no longer have the addresses associated with those accounts) and that doesn't mean I wouldn't want to eventually come back to my journals. What if someone lost internet and isn't able to access it for a year? Their content should just be stripped? What if someone passed away, but I have no magical proof, and MY content is in their journal in whatever fashion? I should lose that because that person is gone? I personally feel it is unfair to delete that when there are about a trillion hoarded journals no one is using, will never use, and keep only to randomly sell when they need extra cash. Those are the journals that should be targeted, not journals someone may want to reuse in the future. And YES I think it's fair to ask him to honor his users that way, as that is common practice on most sites. I mean, I have 12 year old neopets accounts I haven't signed onto for 8 or 9 years but they're still there, I have gmail accounts I don't use, but I can still login to after years and years. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect a site that holds actual memories vs junk to not randomly destroy your data because you aren't accessing some specific corner of the internet for a year.
      • I just had to pop in and say that I didn't log into my Neopets account for two years and they put my pets up for adoption without even giving me a warning e-mail! (I had paid a ridiculous amount of Neopoints for some of them. I was actually quite mad!) Also, one of the main reasons people lose access to e-mail sites is because they don't log in. If Yahoo and Hotmail are allowed to deactivate you for not logging in, why can't IJ do the same thing?

        It would be one thing if Squeaky was deleting things with no notice, but he's allowing people the chance to save their data. I don't even buy the whole e-mail issue, because if an account means something to you, you'll take two minutes to update the e-mail address to your current one. I go through my journals every couple of months and make sure everything is up to date. Regardless of which e-mail I used to register, they all go to my current address. If something were to happen to me where I didn't have access to the 'net for a year...well, that's why I back up my data. After GJ, I will never assume content is forever. There's really no excuse for the server to hang onto content that no one has touched in a year, especially when they give warnings that it will be deleted.
        • 1. I haven't logged into my Neopets accounts in 7 or 8 years, as I said, and everything is still in there in one piece, including my pets. Someone must have hacked your account and put the pets up for adoption because I have never heard of that happening to anyone.
          2. Yahoo doesn't do that anymore. They did that years ago and, I assume, stopped because it caused problems. I have accounts I didn't login to for years start bouncing emails, but once I logged in again, they were reinstated. Comparing ones business practices to Hotmail is not something you should desire to do, imo.
          3. Not everyone has advance warning of losing their internet, sometimes shit happens. People come back expecting their things to still be intact, as they would be on other servers. I have yahoo groups, for instance, that stopped being used in 2003, and all of the content is still there, every single message.
          4. Not everyone is obsessive about keeping their things up to date. That doesn't make their content any less valuable than someone who has the wherewithal to think, you know? Squeaky might decide to delete my stuff one day out of the random blue, I should make sure I am always 100% in touch.
          5. I'm done talking about this. 1 year on any journal that has actual content in it is ridiculous, in my opinion. 2 years, 3 years inactivity would be another, or hoarded, never used journals would be reasonable. This is my opinion, it hasn't changed anything on the way he's doing things, I don't expect him to. However, being a paying customer, on multiple multiple accounts, I feel justified in expressing my displeasure at the unfairness of the current structure.
          • 1. Uh, just because you've never heard of it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. A quick search brings up a NT article stating that they do delete inactive accounts and Neopets. It doesn't happen very often, but it does happen. When I e-mailed Neopets about my missing pets they responded that there was nothing they could do once the purge was undertaken.

            2. I honestly have no idea, because I haven't used Yahoo since high school. I know they used to delete the accounts on a regular basis, though. I know does the same thing now as I periodically get the e-mails if I've forgotten to log into my account for a while. It is not an uncommon practice to weed out inactive accounts.

            3. No one should assume anything. I disappeared off the internet for a while and came back to find half my content on GJ gone. It doesn't have to be *fair* because it's a free service. There's no guarantee anything is going to stick around and making the assumption that content will just remain on the Internet forever is sort of naive.

            4. If you don't care to keep your content anywhere but on a server you can't control, well...that's really your own fault. IJ is under absolutely no obligation to keep your content for an eternity. As you said, he could wake up one day and let the whole site go to hell the ways of GJ, without even giving anyone a chance. This is simply how things go. The stuff I want to keep, I keep on my own hard drive. I've been saddened to log in and find RP partners who've deleted things without warning me, but as it was in their journals I also have no control over it and there's nothing that can be done. I should have saved the content myself, and I certainly take the responsibility to do so in the future.

            5. Well, okay. I started replying before I got here and I'm not going to delete it now, but you don't have to respond if you don't want to. The bottom line to me is that a year is MORE than enough time, if you're given warning. I personally think it's ridiculous to complain that you lost content you didn't log into for over a year. If there are special circumstances, that's a bummer, but Squeaky shouldn't have to protect everything ever written because some people are too lazy or inconvenienced to take four seconds to log into a journal and confirm they want to keep the content. I also have several permanent accounts on this server and I think purging inactive content (WITH A WARNING!) is more than fair.

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