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InsaneJournal Announcements

1. I haven't logged into my Neopets accounts in 7 or 8 years, as I said, and everything is still in there in one piece, including my pets. Someone must have hacked your account and put the pets up for adoption because I have never heard of that happening to anyone.
2. Yahoo doesn't do that anymore. They did that years ago and, I assume, stopped because it caused problems. I have accounts I didn't login to for years start bouncing emails, but once I logged in again, they were reinstated. Comparing ones business practices to Hotmail is not something you should desire to do, imo.
3. Not everyone has advance warning of losing their internet, sometimes shit happens. People come back expecting their things to still be intact, as they would be on other servers. I have yahoo groups, for instance, that stopped being used in 2003, and all of the content is still there, every single message.
4. Not everyone is obsessive about keeping their things up to date. That doesn't make their content any less valuable than someone who has the wherewithal to think, you know? Squeaky might decide to delete my stuff one day out of the random blue, I should make sure I am always 100% in touch.
5. I'm done talking about this. 1 year on any journal that has actual content in it is ridiculous, in my opinion. 2 years, 3 years inactivity would be another, or hoarded, never used journals would be reasonable. This is my opinion, it hasn't changed anything on the way he's doing things, I don't expect him to. However, being a paying customer, on multiple multiple accounts, I feel justified in expressing my displeasure at the unfairness of the current structure.
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