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InsaneJournal Announcements

Thanks for your maturely expressed opinion, but I stand by mine. There are plenty of reasons people lose access to email accounts (I've had email addresses deactivated with no way to regain access, nevermind when I've switched ISPs and no longer have the addresses associated with those accounts) and that doesn't mean I wouldn't want to eventually come back to my journals. What if someone lost internet and isn't able to access it for a year? Their content should just be stripped? What if someone passed away, but I have no magical proof, and MY content is in their journal in whatever fashion? I should lose that because that person is gone? I personally feel it is unfair to delete that when there are about a trillion hoarded journals no one is using, will never use, and keep only to randomly sell when they need extra cash. Those are the journals that should be targeted, not journals someone may want to reuse in the future. And YES I think it's fair to ask him to honor his users that way, as that is common practice on most sites. I mean, I have 12 year old neopets accounts I haven't signed onto for 8 or 9 years but they're still there, I have gmail accounts I don't use, but I can still login to after years and years. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect a site that holds actual memories vs junk to not randomly destroy your data because you aren't accessing some specific corner of the internet for a year.
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