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InsaneJournal Announcements

1. Uh, just because you've never heard of it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. A quick search brings up a NT article stating that they do delete inactive accounts and Neopets. It doesn't happen very often, but it does happen. When I e-mailed Neopets about my missing pets they responded that there was nothing they could do once the purge was undertaken.

2. I honestly have no idea, because I haven't used Yahoo since high school. I know they used to delete the accounts on a regular basis, though. I know does the same thing now as I periodically get the e-mails if I've forgotten to log into my account for a while. It is not an uncommon practice to weed out inactive accounts.

3. No one should assume anything. I disappeared off the internet for a while and came back to find half my content on GJ gone. It doesn't have to be *fair* because it's a free service. There's no guarantee anything is going to stick around and making the assumption that content will just remain on the Internet forever is sort of naive.

4. If you don't care to keep your content anywhere but on a server you can't control, well...that's really your own fault. IJ is under absolutely no obligation to keep your content for an eternity. As you said, he could wake up one day and let the whole site go to hell the ways of GJ, without even giving anyone a chance. This is simply how things go. The stuff I want to keep, I keep on my own hard drive. I've been saddened to log in and find RP partners who've deleted things without warning me, but as it was in their journals I also have no control over it and there's nothing that can be done. I should have saved the content myself, and I certainly take the responsibility to do so in the future.

5. Well, okay. I started replying before I got here and I'm not going to delete it now, but you don't have to respond if you don't want to. The bottom line to me is that a year is MORE than enough time, if you're given warning. I personally think it's ridiculous to complain that you lost content you didn't log into for over a year. If there are special circumstances, that's a bummer, but Squeaky shouldn't have to protect everything ever written because some people are too lazy or inconvenienced to take four seconds to log into a journal and confirm they want to keep the content. I also have several permanent accounts on this server and I think purging inactive content (WITH A WARNING!) is more than fair.

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