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We have created an official FaceBook page that will be used to mirror our twitter account for status updated etc. This is yet another great offsite location to let everyone know what is going on when we have any kind of downtime

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And just as a reminder, here is the official IJ twitter account
  • Are you sure you have the right twitter acct for IJ?

    • Then, no offense, you're not reading it. Every major sitewide outage has been reported on the Twitter account.
      • Then, fine, next time I have a problem accessing IJ, I'll check Twitter and see if there's any information there this time.
      • Aaaactually, it was just the other day that IJ was down for two solid hours without a single update about what was going on to the Twitter account. I know because I was around when it occured. The main site would load, but when you'd try to log in you'd get a "database is temporarily unavailable" error. It went on for two whole hours, I checked periodically, and every time I checked the site? I checked the Twitter account to find no new information regarding what was going on. I'm not complaining, mind you, only correcting you on something that myself and many, many other people dealt with.
        • I'm not saying it's impossible that it's happened without a Twitter update, but, to my/my friends' knowledge, he's usually pretty on the ball with major sitewide outages. So I'd definitely call that the exception. In any case, it's a heck of a lot less collective monthly downtime than most websites, so I really think the people who get up-in-arms like the original commenter in this thread, need to chill out. My Bank of America account has been inaccessible more often than IJ this year.
          • Oh, I'm not arguing that in the least. Which is why I didn't make any particular statements about the functionality of the site overall. I use it every single day, many hours at a time, so I'm pretty aware when something's going down without having to wait for someone to tell me what it is. I don't really care either way, I trust squeaky will handle it and that'll be that. My point, however, was just that it has happened before that something goes wrong with the site and there aren't any Twitter updates about it until way later, if at all. I can't call it an exception because I've seen it happen that way multiple times. But I don't have a problem with it because I figure he can only get to things as soon as he knows anything is wrong. The guy has a life outside of IJ too, he's not going to be able to get to every little issue the second after it happens. I think the point the poster was trying to make was that even when the outage isn't considered major, necessarily, they'd like to know what that hiccup was. Which is absolutely their opinion to have! They struck me as pretty chill, just confused about something that didn't make sense based on their personal experience, so. Whatever!
            • The poster pretty much flatly stated that the Twitter account was never updated, which is absolutely not true. You can argue what percentage of outages are reported on Twitter, but suggesting that he neglects to offer any explanation for most or, in the case of their comment, none, is a gross, gross exaggeration that really undermines whatever point they were trying to make by being untrue. It's one thing to say, "Hey, Squeaky, there's been a couple times this month that I had site issues that I never got any feedback on," and it's another to accuse him of never offering any, when it's patently obvious from both Twitter and IJ/news that he generally does. If it were the first time they'd complained, I probably wouldn't have said anything, but they have a history of accusing Squeaky of not giving a damn about the site and doing nothing to maintain it, so I decided to speak up this time. No one's infallible, but he's got his act together most of the time on outages, and the suggestion that he never offers any information during outages is downright incorrect.
              • I don't know why you're trying to debate something that I'm not even talking about, a subject that I literally had a couple of sentences of something to say for out of an entire paragraph that basically supports what you're saying. Everything I just said was supportive of both your opinion that the Twitter account does eventually get updated more often than not, but it also acknowledges their complaint is somewhat valid when I myself have seen numerous instances where the site is inaccessible for X amount of time and there aren't any Twitter posts about it whatsoever. Tra la la. Above all that nonsense, my point mostly is that it's a little moot to complain about people getting up-in-arms when the majority of the time that I've seen you around here, you're getting up-in-arms yourself. Hypocrisy is a bitch, yo. Lead by example.
                • Sure, I've absolutely voiced complaints about specific outstanding issues in the past, but I don't go to extremes and accuse people of not caring about their websites and say they "never" offer useful communication during rough patches. Making sweeping accusations like that doesn't encourage change, it just obscures whatever truth there is to the complaint.
                  • Well, pat on the back for being bigger and better than someone else? That's not the complaint I am seeing made here at all. Like, seriously, show me where in this thread anyone has said Squeaky doesn't care about this site. What it's looking like is you're frustrated with them over something that was said elsewhere and bringing it up here, in conjunction with an unrelated matter, and that's taking it a little far. People aren't always going to be made of sunshine and rainbows, exaggerations are made in the midst of frustration. Something that we're all guilty of, even you. I'm pretty sure Squeaky and IJ will continue to function without your mighty sword of justice on the swing, perpetuating negative attitudes. Because that's honestly all you're doing with your biting remarks to people. I've supported you in the past on certain matters, when people really have taken it to the extreme, but this was just uncalled for. Sticking "no offense" in the middle of a statement doesn't make it any less snide than the tone you interpreted from the original commenter.
              • What in the sweet hell. There have been tons of times when Squeaky hasn't updated the Twitter right away and nobody's sending out a mob and pitchforks, he's entitled to a life, we're just saying occasionally it's not immediate.
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