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InsaneJournal Announcements

Oh, I'm not arguing that in the least. Which is why I didn't make any particular statements about the functionality of the site overall. I use it every single day, many hours at a time, so I'm pretty aware when something's going down without having to wait for someone to tell me what it is. I don't really care either way, I trust squeaky will handle it and that'll be that. My point, however, was just that it has happened before that something goes wrong with the site and there aren't any Twitter updates about it until way later, if at all. I can't call it an exception because I've seen it happen that way multiple times. But I don't have a problem with it because I figure he can only get to things as soon as he knows anything is wrong. The guy has a life outside of IJ too, he's not going to be able to get to every little issue the second after it happens. I think the point the poster was trying to make was that even when the outage isn't considered major, necessarily, they'd like to know what that hiccup was. Which is absolutely their opinion to have! They struck me as pretty chill, just confused about something that didn't make sense based on their personal experience, so. Whatever!
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