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InsaneJournal Announcements

The poster pretty much flatly stated that the Twitter account was never updated, which is absolutely not true. You can argue what percentage of outages are reported on Twitter, but suggesting that he neglects to offer any explanation for most or, in the case of their comment, none, is a gross, gross exaggeration that really undermines whatever point they were trying to make by being untrue. It's one thing to say, "Hey, Squeaky, there's been a couple times this month that I had site issues that I never got any feedback on," and it's another to accuse him of never offering any, when it's patently obvious from both Twitter and IJ/news that he generally does. If it were the first time they'd complained, I probably wouldn't have said anything, but they have a history of accusing Squeaky of not giving a damn about the site and doing nothing to maintain it, so I decided to speak up this time. No one's infallible, but he's got his act together most of the time on outages, and the suggestion that he never offers any information during outages is downright incorrect.
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