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  • My interpretation of her comments was shared by people who weren't aware of her history of making similar remarks, so I really don't think my interpretation was just a matter of past recall. I'm not saying it's the only valid interpretation, because I'm not inside of her head. But the fact remains that it came off that way to me, and that's why I said something.

    Then that's their call, and it's really not my concern. If I went into Support and commented supported tickets, that'd be one thing, but I don't think commenting on a public, unscreened post is out of place or over the line at all. People go on for 3000 comments on LJ news comments with hundreds of branching comment trees of conversations/disagreements.
    • I'm sure there are people who agree with you and there are people who agree with me as well. That's neither here nor there since the only person I'm addressing is you. Whether it's a matter of past recall or not, you're the one told me that's why you commented. Well, that's why I think it shouldn't be too tough of a concept to understand that if this is how this person lodges their complaints, it's unlikely you're going to get anywhere with them by adopting a tone similar to the one you complained of. That's it, that's all, badabing.

      I don't think commenting on a public, unscreened post is out of line, either. Which is why I pointed out that no one told you that you can't comment. That isn't what I'm saying at all. Again, I don't care what other people do. I could make the cliche analogy of lemmings and cliffs - if everyone jumped off a cliff, you'd jump too? Etc etc. But I know you're smarter than that. What I'm suggesting is that instead of engaging people with inflammatory remarks when they haven't leveled any at you, specifically, you might reconsider your approach. It's only a suggestion. You might find people more receptive to that overall. Kill 'em with kindness!
      • I wasn't trying to "get anywhere" beyond voicing a disagreement. That was all I was attempting to achieve.

        I only comment people who adopt entitled and/or snotty tones to Squeaky. I've never started an argument with someone who said "My notifications aren't working" or "My icons suck." Some people act like Squeaky's entire life revolves around fixing their every problem the second it occurs, and get obnoxious if it isn't fixed to their liking. Those are the people I comment. I think you think I have more of an agenda than I really do, here. I'm not trying to achieve "justice" or anything. I see a comment I think is rude, and I say something. There isn't really a desired outcome to shoot for or adopt a specific approach for. It's just a comment.
        • I don't think you have any agenda beyond defending Squeaky. But the entitled and rude behavior you're responding to, you're responding in kind with your own rather entitled behavior and that's not going to do anybody any good. What's the point, if not to encourage people to be more patient and understanding of the guy?
          • The point is to express disagreement. Nothing more, nothing less.
            • Lmfao. I just realized we waged war in Squeaky's post to the point where the comments show up with one word per line, now. LOOKIT MY SKINNY COMMENT. LOOKIT.
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