InsaneJournal Announcements

Database move complete

InsaneJournal Announcements

Database move complete

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I have completed moving all of the users to the new database. This means that site performance should begin to pick up.

I am still looking into the errors you are getting while commenting. If you see an error that shows that the database is unavilable when commenting, your comment has, most likely, been posted even though you see the error.

If you are still getting an error that says your journal is in read only mode, please let me know. Also if the error is only happening when posting to an asylum, please let me know what asylum.

Edit: I think I tracked down the "Database not available" error. It had to do with subscriptions. So to resolve this, I temporarily had to run them off. I will look into it more tomorrow evening. Please let me know if you are still seeing these errors on the site.
  • When I click on my notification page all I get is "Not ready" - I'm guessing the update has something to do with this but I'm not sure as it was working yesterday.
  • Alright. This has nothing to do with any of the error messages or anything like that. It's a completely seperate issue and I'm honestly not sure you can do anything about it.

    I have a friend-all button on this journal that's used for RP purposes. I've checked and rechecked the coding. I've even looked at the FAQ page that is posted about friend-all buttons. But for some reason whenever I or any of the people in the game try to use it, it doesn't go through. Brings up an connection error page on the --admin/console.

    I wasn't sure if anyone else was having a problem like this. If anyone has let you know about it or not. If I go directly to the console page and type the commands in there, it works fine. But the button doesn't work anymore, though it did before the move. I don't know if it has something to do with the site or what, which is why I'm bringing it up.

    Also, I just want to say that you are doing a FABULOUS job with everything. You always keep everyone up to date about what's going on, and I think that's great. I migrated my game over from GJ when that site pretty much crashed to the ground without any warning or anything. So it's great to see someone actually keeping people informed and in the know. Keep up the great work .. you rock!
  • my journal [info]konatown is getting the read-only mode error, i don't know if you figured out what's wrong yet, but when you do, let me know!
  • I want to thank you so much for doing so much work to sort things out during the move. Almost all of my stuff is intact, though I'm still not getting notifications for any comments on this journal or on [info]ursense. Other than that, things are peachy!
  • when i try to join a community i get this error:

    [Error: LJ::Event::CommuinityJoinRequest passed bogus u object: _shuffle @]
  • I would really like to ask about the icons.
    On more than one account (I have multiple for RP uses) I am missing anywhere from 2-15 icons in some cases, and none of them will allow me to upload new ones to replace the missing ones. I haven't seen any responses regarding this, and I was just wondering if this is going to be addressed next.

    You're really awesome, and I love how you keep us up to date. Thank you for being so wonderful, and I hope to hear about the icons soon, yeah? Oh please oh please?
  • I appear to not be getting the notification emails attached to this account. I don't know if there's some error there or not but I thought I'd let you know.

    Thank you again for all the great work Squeaky!
  • I tried to do an 'interest' search and recieved this error.

    Not Found
    The requested URL /multisearch.bml was not found on this server.

    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

  • During the move, I would lose icons and then regain them at random. If the move is complete and my icons are stuck at dead, should I just bank on the fact they are not coming back?
  • (Anonymous)
    so i noticed you took off the random letter thing we have to do when we comment anonymously. is this going to be permanent?

    and sometimes while commenting, i get this error. "This part of the database is temporarily down for maintenance. Try again in a few minutes."
  • admin console

    Glad things are getting back in order, but is the reason that everytime I try to use an "add friends" button in a community it's not working. The admin console is just a "this page cannot be viewed" Tried with different communities and different UNs.
  • Between this journal and a few rp ones, I am only getting notices about half the time.
  • Hi squeaky. First of all, thank you so much for the work you've put into the site. I really don't know how you manage it all.

    For the community [info]icondust, I'm still having an issue with some of my posts coming up of "database unavailable" for reply comments. Also, my community still issues the error when people request membership. I'm not sure if other places are getting this as well. Just thought I'd bring it to your attention! Again, thank you!
  • OK, new weird problem-I get email notifications of comments unless they are comments to a post on my own journal page. So if someone replies to me on their own page or comm it comes through but my own=nada.

    Let me know if I need to open a support ticket and where to do it (as I haven't a clue). Thank you.
  • Hey! I wanted to say I'm glad you're working so hard for us. It's a blessing. I just have one question, I know there's been some problems involving joining Asylums, I was just wondering what was up with those? I've been getting:

    [Error: LJ::Event::CommuinityJoinRequest passed bogus u object: lunar_changing @]

    That every time I try and join a certain asylum. Is that issue being worked on too?
  • For about a minute, I couldn't my userpics. When I went to 'Manage userpics' I got this:

    [Error: Database unavailable for role cluster3 @]

    I can see them now, but I thought you would like to know.

    Oh, and I'm also getting the same error people have posted here when joining an asylum.

  • I think this journal is in read-only mode.
  • I'm still having the problem of entries not showing up and being unavailable for editing on the journal [info]antiquated. While I definitely, definitely appreciate all the work that's gone into the site, I was wondering if there was going to be any kind of recompensation for paid users? I hate to sound ungrateful, but I have several paid accounts on this site, and between the disappearing userpics and myriad errors, it hasn't exactly been what I've come to expect from a service I've paid for.
  • EMAIL notifications

    Um, I kinda feel bad asking this after all of the hard work you've put in of late, but I stopped receiving email notifications for comments and for a post I was tracking with the move.

    Is there something I need to do on my end to fix this?

  • I'm currently unable to edit entries, notifications are iffy, and I am having difficulty managing my userpics, all on this journal. (To be honest, I have not tried my other ones.)

    Is this a read only error or something?
  • I am having the same problem as [info]so_buffy
  • Apparently Icons got affected as well, mine's coming up as a broken picture.
  • i dont know if this was discussed either but.....sometimes an error code comes up while trying to join a community.

    also, im not getting any email notifications to comments i post.
  • I'm not sure if this is the same sort of error or not, but when I go to update an asylum, my new post isn't seen.

    For example, I just made this post. But while if I have a direct link I can see it, if I just go to the main page it isn't there.

    It is a bit confusing, and frustrating. But thank you for all the work!
  • Thanks for all your head work squeakmeister. I think it's donation time.

    This is not a huge deal, but I figured you might want to know. When I try to upload icons I get this message/error about 2 out of 3 tries. If I go back and try again I can eventually get it to work but here ya go:

    [Error: Can't locate object method "as_string" via package "MogileFS::Backend: tracker socket never became readable ( when sending command: [create_close domain=livejournal&fid=3436036&devid=9&path= ] at /home/lj/cgi-bin/MogileFS/ line 335 " (perhaps you forgot to load "MogileFS::Backend: tracker socket never became readable ( when sending command: [create_close domain=livejournal&fid=3436036&devid=9&path= ] at /home/lj/cgi-bin/MogileFS/ line 335 "?) at '/home/lj/htdocs/editpics.bml' line 518. @]
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