InsaneJournal Announcements

Database move complete

InsaneJournal Announcements

Database move complete

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I have completed moving all of the users to the new database. This means that site performance should begin to pick up.

I am still looking into the errors you are getting while commenting. If you see an error that shows that the database is unavilable when commenting, your comment has, most likely, been posted even though you see the error.

If you are still getting an error that says your journal is in read only mode, please let me know. Also if the error is only happening when posting to an asylum, please let me know what asylum.

Edit: I think I tracked down the "Database not available" error. It had to do with subscriptions. So to resolve this, I temporarily had to run them off. I will look into it more tomorrow evening. Please let me know if you are still seeing these errors on the site.
  • Hoorah! Glad to see the database migration went well.
  • I just need you to know just how awesome you are, Squeaky. I'm happy to know everything went well and I'm totally excited about the new stability that has hopefully been achieved by the move! ^_^
  • Something is still seriously wrong with [info]sweetsorcery's journal. I keep checking to see if it's come back.

    Thank you, Squeaky. I know this can't have been fun for you. I really, really appreciate all the blood sweat and tears you put into this.
  • Awesome, thanks!
  • I lost data (comments, userpics). It doesn't matter to me that it's gone, but I wonder if it's happened to someone who it would matter to, and I wonder if it could happen again.
  • I got the database not available error when replying to a comment in my journal. But the comment did go through. So there's that.
  • I'm not seeing an error, but I tried to delete and re-up my one "lost" little icon, and while everything acted like it was working, nothing actually happened. Are the userpic servers still locked up somehow?

    Thank you again for all your hard work!
  • Thank you for all that you do! VOTE SQUEAKY!

    The only problem I'm having is that I don't seem to be getting comments via e-mail right now. It was working earlier, then stopped.
  • Everything in my IJ and asylum are both fine except I'm still missing icons -- my icons under 'view all userpics' and on the edit userpics page. There are either 4 or 6 missing depending on where one looks. Keep up the good work!!
  • I think the site ate some of my icons lmao will I get them back?
  • Thanks for all your hard work.

    Alas to subscriptions going gone for a bit (that's the thumbtack, right?), but comparatively, I'll take it.

    *watches how few comments there are* ...obviously we're all glued to CNN or something.
  • Howdy!

    Just wanted to give you a heads up that journal [info]crogan is in 'read-only' mode.

    Thank you for all the hard work you do. It really is appreciated. :]
  • I'm still having a few problems. I cannot preview posts at some communities and asylums, and also uploading new user pics takes forever and I keep getting the 'script not loading' message.

    I'm sure you will get all the kinks ironed out, thanks for keeping this wonderful place going for us!
  • I know you hear it a lot, and I've probably said this before, but thank you for all the work you do, Squeaky.
  • Good looking out as always. :)
  • Thanks for all your work on this, it's much appreciated.

    Most of my RP accounts (free ones, not that it's relevant *g*) have lost a few icons along the way. I find that deleting them, closing the browser to break the session, reopening and reuploading seems to bring them back. I do have to close the browser in between, though.

    For the database not available, I find that the comment always goes through, but no notification goes out. Which I'm currently working around by sending my own emails or IMs when I tag.
  • I am glad the move went well. Thank you for all you do, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it. You are wonderful.
  • The database error seems to appear occasionally now, rather than all the time. The comment appears but there is no email notification of it.

    And just to support [info]lilithilien, who commented above, [info]sweetsorcery's journal is nearly completely white, except for any images (not icons). Have a look when you have a chance, please. Thank you in advance.
  • Hi,

    I just wanted to tell you that the 'watch this entry/journal/asylum' button has vanished, so now one cannot enter new entries to the e-mail notifications. Also, none of the notifications get through.

    This happened with his journal and [info]silverknight.
  • The add consoles don't appear to be working.
  • I am also having the problem where some of my userpics aren't showing, and when I tried to re-upload them, it doesn't work.

    Affected journals include this one, as well as [info]ndr_lilith, [info]ndr_pansy, [info]ndr_cho and probably more of them too.
  • Missing userpics/icons

    I am still missing about four userpics. I tried uploading them again just now, and they seemed to "go". But they are still not showing up in posts or in my list of userpics.

    My username is countrymouse.
  • I lost 2,000 comments just a few days ago on one post, and if that wasn't upsetting enough, I don't seem to be getting any comment notifications from this journal at all. I am however getting notifications on my other journals, so I know it's not my e-mail address. :\
  • I don't want to be hassling - I appreciate that you're very busy, but it's been 5 days since my journal last looked remotely normal and could be navigated at all, and I've begged for help in comments and have opened a support request (#2268) as well, and I still haven't so much as heard whether my journal will get back to normal at all, never mind when. Could you please, please fix whatever is wrong?
  • Since this problem has occurred I seem to have lost several userpics. Are they lost permanently or is it likely that they'll come back?
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